Chapter 8

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Fallacy P.O.V
I stopped to I look at her to she I drank too much of her blood causing her to blackout I told suave you to get me bandage. Put I the bandage on encre's neck then I saw that these wolf ears and tail came out she is a wolf or a werewolf I thought in my head. I walked out of her room to find out what she actually is I went to my library to see if I can find anything on her.

Peindre P.O.V
I should find Encre quickly because it get dark that's when a lot of can vampires come out encre and Nora are the only family that I have left I can't loose them. I am the older siblings I am supposed to look after my siblings even if it means that I have to sacrifice my life to keep the safe I have to keep them same at all cost. I continue on trying to find my sisters sent but I can't find it anywhere come one Encre where can you be i can't loos you like how we lost our parents by dying to vampires. I continue my search for her.

Azure P.O.V
Nora is such a nice kid why haven't I watched over her before even tho see is a wolf she isn't dangerous at all people judge to quickly and just assume that there dangerous. Even though there just trying to find peace it's not there fault there like this there born that way and it's very unique in a special way. I look at sir Rufouswho was playing around with her I don't want Undyne to she Nora in this form will hurt her and I don't want Undyne will never get her hands on Nora and her family. I hope the Peindre can find Encre who knows what trouble she can be in she could even be dead which i would not like to here.

Sorry of this is short I am trying to come up with more ideas for this story and other chapters along the way.

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