Chapter 2

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Jasper P.O.V
I saw a beautiful lady in the forest when she left with some other people as well I started to think that lady could be my mommy. Daddy has been sad for a long time he needs someone in there life to make him happy I might even tell suave about this idea so he can help me. I changed into a bat and flys back home I flew through the window from my room I hope that suave didn't tell my dad that I was gone. I changed back and I laying down on my bed think of a plan to get that girl  here and sibling or friend that we're with her. I am just going to have to ask suave's help with this because he may have an idea on get my father and that girl together.

As I was think of a plan to bring her here suave walks in I said hi suave then suave said hi lord jasper your father wants you in the piano room for your lesson I said ok I hit out of bed and started walking to the piano room. When I got there I saw my father there waiting for me and he doesn't look happy he is always unhappy. He said just get up there and start playing I said yes sir I got up there and started playing .

2 hours later

I fell like I have been doing this forever father would let me stop playing until I get it right I ask can I please get a break father he said until you get is right I fell like running away from this place I want to get a break from all of this practicing on the piano I just want to be with suave I mean be in my room. When I stop playing and get a danm Break like my god I get up and stop playing and about to walk out of there until my father said what are you doing jasper I said getting a break from the piano and going to my room I walked out before he could say other word. I walked to my room and locked my room door so that suave or my father won't come in I am so upset right now I laying down on my bed looking up and thinking. Get up from my bed looked out my window thinking of visiting that girl I saw in the forest I opened the window I changed into a bat and started to fly towards the village to so that girl.

Fallacy P.O.V
I shouldn't have been that hurt on him on playing ok the piano I walked to jasper's room and going to tell him that I am sorry for pushing him so far. Walked open to the door I tried to open but it's locked I teleported inside his room and see that he is not there and sees that the window was open I started getting worried and changed into bat and flew out the window to go looking for him. I just hope he didn't ran into a vampire hunter or when would have gotten killed I don't want him to end up like his mother die from the mortals. I continue search for jasper wondering were he went I started think did he go to the village if he did he is dead. I was not that far to from jasper I see him going to the village

Encre P.O.V
I went to the store to get my art supplies and I left Peindre and Nora at home and it was getting late so I was on my way home we live close too the forest and there are monsters saying that there are vampire in that forest. I haven't seen a vampire when I go in that forest when I do a painting or a sketch of what I am going to draw. Now I am on my way home there are no guards around that's odd they are always around at night I decided to ignore it and continued walking as I was walking I see a bat flying towards me. And there was another one behind them I think the other one did notice that it wasn't that far behind them why was it flying towards me?

Sorry that I have not been updating or posting stories I have been busy with some things so I hope that you like this story and bye 💙

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