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This book belongs to MizzKristy and only MizzKristy. If you try to take my book I will find you and well if you read my Rich serial Killer -sardonix then you know what Marco does to his victims and I will do to you. I can't stand anything rude, so if you say anything rude I will REPORT you 😊.

If you see a book like this on anyone else's profile please please please p.m me. If you would like to make me cover you can email me at

My book update schedule is crazy so please bare with me. I will try to update as much as possible. Don't forget to vote comment and follow me and if you want to stalk 👀 me follow me on Snapchat @kristina_hilton.


Where The Secrets Run DeepOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz