Chapter 10

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Well Here we are again, it feels as if every time I'm not near Moana she ends up hurt or in the hospital. The doctor said she has a broken nose but she'll live.

At first, I didn't want to call my mother, because she doesn't  know Moana is alive, in fact none one knows. It may seem selfish, but Moana has Hysterical (fugue or dissociative) amnesia it's like the inability to recall some or all of  her past and I didn't want her to move into things too fast and risk something worst happening. 

"Mr. Welshire?", say the petite nurse, I get up quickly and  move toward her " Yes,?'', she smiles and blushes. Is she serious right now? I don't have the time or the patience today.

"Is there a reason you called me or are you just going to drool all day?", I say angrily. The nurse stops smiling and wipes her drool away " Um yes sir, you may see Ms. Moana now''. she leads me to Moana's room. "Thank you'', I say to her trying to be polite but she glares at me and walks away. You're not even pretty I yell as she walks out the door.

"Moana," I whisper as I go over to her bed. she opens her beautiful brown eyes. "Mason'', she says her voice coming out raspy while a teardrop falls from her eye. '' I'm here don't worry everything is going to be okay now'', I smile and wipe away her tear.

We hear a knock on the door, "Come in", three seconds later my mom, Zachary, and Macey are bursting through the door. My dad is not with them, which isn't surprising." What the f-", my mother rushes over and slaps me "  Mason, you have done some stupid things , and I have forgiven you for them, but this-this is just too far,", my mother was on the verge of tears " Mo-", ''No, Mason I don't want to hear it", she wipes her tears and pushes me out the way.

"Moana, sweetie it's me Mrs.Weslshire'', Moana stares back and forth between my mom and I. ''Mason!'', she calls out "Who are these people?".

My mother steps backs and puts her hand over her heart as if she's trying to see if it's still beating, Macey and I both run to catch her "Mom! calm down just breathe", Macey says. Moms breathing slows down "I'm fine I'll be okay but Mason won't. Tell me why she doesn't remember me NOW!".

I took this time to explain everything to everyone surprisingly even Zachary was quiet. "And that's where we are now.'' I stare back at everyone's shocked faces waiting for a response. Zachary comes and stands in front of me ''Zachary I know y-". He punches me in my face " HOW DARE YOU DECIDE THESE DECISIONS ON YOUR OWN. SHE'S MY DAUGHTER". I finally stand and look at him " I KNOW BUT AT THE TIME I DIDN'T THINK", he glares at me " Listen, I know your use to getting what you want and doing what you want but don't ever play around with my child. She's going home with me.''

Zachary walks back into Moana's room. Seconds later He's runs out of the room. ''what's wrong?'' , I say nervously.

"She's gone"

*Not edited *

Oh wow, she's gone again 😂 Lol!!Comment, Vote, Follow

Oh wow, she's gone again 😂 Lol!!Comment, Vote, Follow

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