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F: Okay @PiperFleming  has given us more dares

Okay, sorry Aphmau (and KC) for the cookie thing. Also, MORE DARES! HAHAHAHAAA! *looks on Google bc she has no idea what to do* ah-HA! Gene, I dare you to touch you nose with your tough. If you can't to this (I know that you can't btw so don't lie) you have to touch Zenix's nose with your tongue! XD Sorry in advance Zenix!

Aph: Oh no problem 

KC: yeah 

F: wait *rereads dare* i can do that (I'm not Kidding I can actually do that I creep out people) *touchs nose with tough*

GE: wait how is that fair?

F:it isn't you have to do it 

GE: great just great remind me why I'm here 

F: Because I ship you with Zenix 

GE:what ever *goes over to Zenix and licks his nose* 

Ze: blushes hard then pulls Gene shirt collar smashing his lips into genes

GE: ?! 

F: YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS *starts taking pictures* 

Gene doesn't pull away but stays in permanent shock but soon Zenix breaks the kiss 

F:*looks at watch* we should get to bed 

Ze: red in face) yeah 

Aphmau ships truth or dareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora