Chapter 6

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"So did you work for another company before? "

"No ,this is the very first job I got. I have been looking for a job since I have graduated "

fortunately, you ended up here in my company .his mind shouted

"Which university? " he asked as they were getting closer to her cabin

"City ,university of London "

He nodded in satisfaction

" based on that ,I guess you will easily cope with your new job "

" hopefully " she just nodded

he pushed the door open and both walked in her cabin

" here is where you are going to start from,you have so much pending so the earlier you begin the less complications you will face "

" I have reckoned that already "

Arnav cocked his left eyebrow folding his arms across his chest giving her his famous smirk

Khushi realised from his position that he was taunting her confident reply and guessed what he might be thinking

since this is the first time she stepped into this job how would she know she had so much to deal with already ?

" I was informed that I would have to start working from the very same day I passed the interview so it was inferable .I measured what was waiting for me here , Mr. Raizada " khushi rolled her eyes feeling offended by his gesture

Arnav smirked harder at her defiance ,he started decreasing their distance slowly with sure steps

they were standing in the middle of her cabin ,cold breezy wind was peeping from the semi closed window which was left unlocked probably since the old secretary left ,it went against normalcy when neither of both felt a bit cold or conscious enough to bother about closing the windowpane

He met her eyes which were staring angrily at him but he seemed super cool while resuming his advance towards her which urged khushi to walk back a step with every stride his feet applied until she felt the cold wall against her back and his face so close to hers

before she could move out of their closeness ,he placed his hands on either side caging her between his arms and doubling khushi's anger ten folds

"Sharp mind .I think we should utilise it for the coming event " his voice was huskier than ever

She looked questioningly at him

Their proximity roomed his alluring fragrance which hit her nostrils strongly, swiftly riding all the way to her head ,halting her thoughts for moments ..

it did send tickles down into her stomach

That was what??

" The pre new year celebration, the event is taking place in a matter of 8 days . You will be organising it from venue ,booking , invitations to the minute small details. That's your first big task to prove your self along with your other duties on daily basis , Miss.Gupta " he retreated his hands throwing his orders ,not that he was in a mission to prove her undeserved of this job . she is surely a good fit .it's just that he loves taking and throwing challenges !

Khushi felt it was a challenge more than assignment , he wants her to prove her capabilities . Fine . If he thinks this is a big task which she can't handle ,he is really mistaken

Arshi FF:Dark SideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon