Chapter 13 A

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note:both (part A+PartB)  describe  Khushi's POV


Cold, nauseous and uncomfortably white are words that can describe the place where I'm now,my little figure was made to sit in a distant corner from the operation theatre with guards captured  by my eyes going around and around in endless circles ,I hold onto the  safest  thing  at the moment ,my sweet teddy bear gifted by my dear brother 

It smells so weird here and watching some kids the same age as me lying lifelessly on beds and being  rushed into emergency department provoked shivers to grow on my skin ,I recalled the last words said by my invincible father 

"Anil has met with an accident " 

After that everything happened so fast and I found my self here ,keeping my tears at bay because Bhaiya needs my prayers ,lots of them 

I looked for a certain person and after a tiring attempt to see clearly I found her ,my broken mother .she has curled into a ball near the room where my brother was undergoing a complicated surgery ,I knew she was crying so much for how things turned out ,I know so well she loves both of us but I also know that she hates the existence of my father to the core 

Which blinded her throughout .

I was trying to stay strong ,for him ,for her ,for us !for my papa who seemed no less damaged than us while barking through the phone that everything could wait ,duties and enmity don't matter at all ,forgotten till his only son survives ,if only he could survive !

I was getting really tired of blinking back tears and had no control when they started flowing on their own ,I felt suffocated and extremely scared of ..losing my only family 

Amma has never been this weak and defenseless before ,I always saw her angry ,spitting venomous words to my father and cursing every member in Guptas that she forgot her son and daughter who need her utmost love and care ,the way she has broken down after hearing my brother's condition is a palpable proof of guilt 

I cried ,cried and cried .my brother promised me to take me on a trip and I was so excited to go out but now everything has changed ,I just want him to be alive ,he has always been my only family ,my reason to smile and forget the dysfunctions between my parents ,I don't want to live a life where he doesn't breathe ! 

Minutes turned into hours and I didn't know how and when I dozed off because I woke up to a loud cry and choked wails ,I realized it was my mother whose state made my legs go weak 

"Why ?Why couldn't you save my son ?" 

I saw her violating the doctor while crying ,Papa went to her side and held her away from Doctors and right  in an embrace but she pushed him away 

"I hate you Kumar Gupta ! I'm paying the price of being married to you !Gupta's curse killed my son " 

She kept repeating the last words as she dipped to the floor unconscious 

My tears were my only companion that night ,even when I saw his dead body ,I couldn't recognize him ,his face was full of scars and injuries ,he was smiling though and that smile could never be mistakable ,I wish he was here ,I wish I never lost him 

I was just 10!

I never knew how I survived after that loss...

I never knew how I survived after that loss

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