Chapter 14

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A slight movement besides Arnav earned a protesting sigh from his mouth as he with closed eyes felt sleep fading away being replaced with loss of warmth and peace.Slowly,lazily,he managed to open his eyes wide enough to look for the reason behind his disturbance early morning.Turning his face to the right side where all those threats to his sanity laid,nothing could be more ravishing than the sight of his Khushi sleeping soundly next to him,where she ultimately belongs!

The enchanting beauty he admired has taken a breath out of his lungs,it was a deadly combination of simplicity,tenderness  and...pain.A visible line reflecting hidden traumas and a reminder of a grave danger she might be in.Gulping down the forming fear of losing her,without seeking permission from fate he solemnly promised to safeguard her.He has been fighting the developing ache in his heart since she has broken down in front of him really hard,adding to his determination and need of crossing the layers to her heart which he will own soon enough to keep her with him.


An itchy urge filled him to hold her back the same way they had been all night,entwined in each other's arms.He snuggled closer to her while his hands were reaching for her petite parts.They have gone far enough to explore the luscious desire between them,he will take it slow though because what they have for each other is beyond lust,more like a soul connection.

He needs her safe,protected,happy,his.....

With their noses almost touching,it took him everything to refrain from taking her parted plump lips between his.Wondering how actually she slipped out of his hold which seemed unrelenting nontheless.His hand came up to cup her cheek in a wicked attemp to let her wake up facing him so closely with smugness written all over his face.

Feeling his touch,Khushi subconsciously rejoiced on it.Placing her hand above his to feel it completely covering her cheek,after a few moments she opened her hazel eyes meeting his smiling caramel orbs.Seeing her lost in his eyes with a smile playing around her irresistible petals broke his last ounce of patience,he leaned in and pecked her curved rosy lips.

"Morning,sexy"he huskily whispered admiring how glorious she looked while fluttering her eyes

Sexy?Taking in his half nakedness which put his manly well-built up features on display,shouldn't she be the one saying that to him?She has been running her hand along the firmness of his chest taking her own sweet time to linger her fingers on places where he would hold her hand still,urging her to caress for longer.Seeing all that perfection in broad daylight was  much more appealing than she thought.

Reeling their moments from yesterday,she hardly could address herself as Khushi Gupta because all that what happened was so unfamiliar to her but she has no ounce of regret,not  even over being extra possessive and expressing why she avoided relationships so much.Giving him a hint of her past and never denying being jealous which he even felt when she danced with an unknown man.She is just unsure about how long it will last and for that she wants to live and relish every moment.

Who knows when they might turn to memories?

She gave him a mischievous look before she moved her hand to his face,their bodies wiped the  slight distance between them fervently,their lips an inch away from each other.

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