Chapter 8

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Khushi's POV

Sali and I were sitting on the balcony ,at her parent's house .They have been to the states for their growing business and like every time they went abroad, Sali invited me to stay with her ,I used to refuse coming in here sometimes until she has revealed the secret of her life for which I keep mocking her . That she can't sleep alone in the house, someone must be around otherwise she will have bizarre imaginations of ghosts floating around ,sound of steps and weird noises .

" Are you listening to me ..khushi ?"

I shifted slightly in the chair ,settling for a more comfortable position then grabbed an apple before chewing on it . I do listen to my best friend no matter what nonsense she blurts out , I can't ignore the girl who did for me so much when I had no body . She is part of my life which I'm grateful to have ,if someone knows me too well it's only her .she respects my reasons and loves me for the person who I am .the only topic which recently kept popping up each time we met is how her relationship with Michel changed a lot in her life . it's not irritating me , I'm happy for her happiness .. I'm just disinterested in giving it a try ...on my part

" If you mean listening to how your fiance is a true Prince charming then yeah and I think you should have invited your love to stay along instead of me " I quipped ,Sali blushed hard then we both bursted in laughter

" If you mean listening to how your fiance is a true  Prince charming  then yeah  and I think you should have invited your love to stay along instead of me " I quipped  ,Sali blushed hard then we both bursted in laughter

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" Okay .. I must have been boring you " she said between laughs

" Not really ,I'm saving these to tease you in future" I winked at her and she gently hit me to stop teasing her

" I've been talking most of the time you were here so may your majesty say something more than hmmm..yes..ok ?" Sali rolled her eyes faking anger

" What do you want to know? "

" everything which happened in the past week ,you know you had me worried when you weren't picking my calls ,I even thought of coming to your house to check on you before you finally massaged me "

I stopped eating and swallowed hard, had it really been a week ?maybe I've been too busy to count the days. Most of my time was utilised at work but I feel extremely productive ,energetic and independent , I'm done with taking favors from her which she keeps reminding me of although she can't stop relating us with a blood relationship ,with being my mother . I should have realised it much before that day because the gap between us was obvious,unbridgeable from the very start not a bond which a mother shares with her daughter.. especially daughter .

" apart from my new job and commitments at work nothing has really changed. I'm still fighting with my demons though , I just have no courage enough to ask who I am !" I said ruefully

" How did she react to your new job ?"

" I never told her, she figured out herself and preached me not to work ,go out for late hours ,what an irony !When she could ask a 15 year old girl to work for a night club why can't she accept my new job !?or she just wants me to dance on her tunes? "

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