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"Dracula?" I said as I was looking at a movie poster

"don't tell me you haven't seen it" Rio said since he and I had split up from the others as they were gathering information "come on let's go" he said dragging me into the theater

Once inside we bought popcorn and soda before we made our way to our seats in the actual theater. We were the only ones there which made it a bit creepy but I guess I've seen creepier.

As the movie went on it was all about a vampire really and tokageroh was getting freaked out. And at one point Sora snuck up behind him and yelled boo causing him to scream and run out of the theater.

But then I felt funny so I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face but as I looked in the mirror I saw something so I turned to look but found nothing

"strange" I whispered out loud before I headed back to the theater only when I opened the door I saw a man biting Rio's neck before disappearing and Rio fell to the ground

"WHA VAMPIRE!" tokageroh yelled

"Tokageroh go get the others Sora and I will get Rio out of here" I said and tokageroh nodded before he flew off to find the others.

Later in a local church

"I'm telling you guys I know a fang bite when I see a fang bite and that is most definitely a fang bite" Trey said as we had Rio laying in a pew

"a fang bite it may be" I said calmly as I sat in front of Rio trying to heal him with my abilities but instead I felt that there was more to this wound than what appeared on the surface for it felt like something was there something familiar

"ha I told you it was a fang bite" Trey said smugly for he and Len had been having an argument while I was trying to heal Rio

"but it's not from a vampire" I said calmly and Trey's expression fell "I'm not sure what it is but I know this technique from somewhere" I said confused

"technique?" Len inquired but I shook my head with a sigh

"forget I said anything" I said standing up with a small smile on my face that soon disappeared as I looked back at Rio "I'm going to go on a walk to sort through my thoughts" I said walking out of the church

But as I walked through town I felt like someone was behind me suddenly causing me to look back and see a man in a black cloak but then I was suddenly knocked out and fell in to the man's arms

"master Zeke will be happy when we bring him his precious little sister" the man said

Later when I woke up again

"huh" I said looking around only to see I was in the church again only I was tied to the ceiling somehow

"Ahh" I heard from below me and I saw the vampire like guy but I had realized he was a shaman but he was being attacked by the X-laws

'no' I thought then Yoh and the others ran in and I tried to get out of the chains that bound me to the ceiling 'I can't let this happen again' I thought as I remembered how the X-laws killed Basil 'not again'

"you and your friends have put up a good fight now you must leave the rest to us" one of the X-laws said

"there can be no mercy for a willing servant of Zeke" another said and I managed to break my bonds

"enough" I said falling down and landing in front of the vampire like shaman "I can't let you kill him"

"Yuki!" Trey yelled

"where have you been" Rio asked but I paid no attention to them as I was focused on the X-laws before me

"from the way you dress and by your name I can only assume that you're in to the biblical way of things and by X-laws your referring to the ten commandments set forth by god himself" I said and the X-laws looked surprised but then I glared at them "I may not know much about biblical things but I know this much for sure. Thou shall not kill!" I said calmly "what right do we all have to kill another being the answer is no matter how self righteous your intentions are no one has the right to kill another. Not Zeke and not you"

"you bring up a good point but for the good of the humanity we must destroy Zeke and his followers"

"very well" I said taking off my poncho "you leave me no choice" I said tossing my poncho to the side "do your worst. I am not a follower of Zeke but I refuse to stand by and watch you kill a man that has the right to see the error of his ways just as we all do!" I yelled as I pulled on my gloves "Sora" I yelled out and Sora and I performed spirit control and soon Yoh joined me and nodded

"Yuki's right Boris may have been fighting on Zeke's side but he had his reasons and now he may be able to change. But he won't have the chance if you kill him here and now" Yoh yelled out

"you understand boris' reasons for siding with Zeke good for you" the one leading the X-laws said (I don't know his name and so I'll just keep addressing him as that or something) "but what will that change. He is still an evil element and there for he must be eliminated. Why would you risk your life to save him? Maybe it's because you are on Zeke's side"

"we are not on Zeke's side" Yoh said

"and there's no way we're on your side either" I added in

"a person who refuses to take sides is weak, there is only good and evil in this world Yoh. If you're not with us you're against us"

"boris took sides with Zeke for humans betrayed him, I know that because I listened. I think that's how you fight evil, by trying to understand what drives a person to it in the first place. Not just blasting people away with your fancy spirit weapons."

"We don't care what you think" a girl among the X-laws said calmly

But then boris started to limp away

"out of the way" the girl said

"move Yoh it's our right to kill him" the man said and I felt my anger boil at that

"you'll have to destroy me first and if you would do that just because I'm in your way" Yoh said

"Then you're no better than Zeke" Yoh and I said at the same time with anger on our faces as we stood ready to fight.

"we do not have to justify ourselves to you" the leader guy said "wrath from above" he called out and he and the X-laws attacked "ray of light" he called out again and his spirit attack towards me and Yoh but then the vampire guy named Boris appeared before us and saved me and Yoh as I felt my eyes shrink in horror as my breath seemed to be caught in my throat

"Yoh, Yuki thank you" boris said before he disappeared and I felt tears form in my eyes before they started to roll down my face

"we won't forget your actions today" the leader guy said but then he noticed that I was crying and he looked surprised

"yeah and I won't forget yours. Boris wasn't good or evil. Don't you understand that!" Yoh yelled back

"you should seek a better understanding of the world if you hope to make your way in it Yoh asakura. And as for your sister" the leader said as he and the X-laws walked passed us "she's too kind hearted and this world may very well rip her to shreds. But worry not we will give you more time to reconsider your position just don't take too long"

I then closed my eyes only to have them open wide again as Lyserg left with the X-laws but I closed my eyes again as a pained look crossed my face. Rio then tried to stop Lyserg and even milly tried but it was for not.

"let him be, it is the right of all beings to choice their own paths. Both humans and shamans alike have this right." I said standing up with my bangs hiding my eyes as I tried to whip away my tears. "i-I'm going to go on a walk" I said running out of the church and down the streets of the town to an ally way were I sat and cried. I don't know why I did but it hurt having seen basil and Boris being killed.


"Yuki" Yoh said as he was looking for me then he noticed me in the ally way "there you are Yuki you had us worried" he said walking up and I looked at him with sad eyes

"sorry Yoh but I don't understand why it hurts like this" I said hugging my knees "I don't understand, why is it that when Zeke killed those spirits I felt it and when the X-laws killed basil and Boris I felt sorrow. I don't understand what's happening anymore brother" I said closing my eyes

"don't worry Yuki we'll figure it out together like I promised before right" Yoh said and I looked at him and I hugged him as his face became one of concern and worry. "you've protected me when we were kids Yuki now it's my turn to protect you"

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