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"Thomas.." tord groaned, "THOMAS!!", tord whined and dropped onto his knees in front of him, "Wake up! get off of the couch." edd came downstairs staring at tord, "Oh phew i thought something was.. going on down here." tords eyebrow raised, "So you decided to peak on in the action? interesting." edd nodded blushing, "No- i .." tord chuckled and nodded, "It's okay. i get it." 

Tord slapped toms cheek, tom looked at tord and his eyes widened and his mouth filled with throw up, he threw tord and tord flew back slamming into the wall, tom raced into the bathroom and started throwing up, edd busted out laughing, "It looked like he was throwing up at the sight of you tord." tord groaned in pain and lied where he was, tom came out holding onto his stomach, "I drank too much last night.." edd nodded, "Tsk, tsk, tsk.." tord slowly got up moaning, "Why did you throw me..?" 

Tom nodded, "Would you rather have me barf all over you?" tord fell onto the couch and groaned, "My back, it hurts.." tom chuckled and sat beside tord, tord lied his head onto toms shoulder and toms eyes widened and he look at tord who was sleepy, edds head tilted "Did you sleep at all tord? you look tired.." tord chuckled, "Lets just say i was too busy to sleep." 

toms eyebrow raised, "I thought you went to bed last night." tord looked at tom, "Thought." tom sighed and looked at the TV, "Get off of my shoulder." tord got off and tom sighed edd came over and sat beside tord, "Edd, can i have your phone for a second.?" edd turned his phone on and typed in the pass code and handed it to tord, tord handed edd his phone back and smiled

"Well, that was quick." edd looked at his phone, tord sighed and lied down onto toms lap and rested his legs onto edd, tom groaned and tords eyes closed, edd looked at tom who was asleep minutes after and his hand was resting onto tords head, almost as if he was petting him 

edd got away and left out, about an hour later tom woke up and looked down at tord, "Ugh.." tord cuddled into toms stomach and wrapped his arm around toms waist, tom blushed and looked around, tord yawned and his eyes opened and he looked up at tom who was staring at him sleep

tords eyes narrowed and he sat up looking at tom who was still making awkward eye contact with him, "Why didn't you move me?" tom shrugged, tords eyebrow raised, "Gross." tom scoffed, "Go look into the mirror and you'll see something gross." tord crossed his arms, "Stop being an asshole." "Stop being cute." tom remarked 

Tord nodded, "What?" he said in a low disgusted voice, tom cleared his throat and his eyes widened, "I was kidding.." tord stood up and left

"You're retarded." 

Tord is typing..

"so is your face" 

"Shut up." 

"make me" 

tom is typing..

"I'm sorry, when i said you were cute? earlier, i was actually telling myself to stop being cute." 


"You suck just like your replies." 

"you suck too." 

"You swallow." 

"thats gay" 

"Like you."

"can we stop talking? you're really starting to get on my nerves." 

"What're you gonna do about it?" 

"shut the fuck up..." 

tom chuckled and shut his phone off and sat it down beside him, matt came down and his hair was a mess and he started sweating when he saw tom sitting at the couch, he tip toed into the kitchen and tom sighed staring at his phone

Tom X TordWhere stories live. Discover now