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Tom was eating a bucket of vanilla ice cream and watching his show, tord came downstairs and looked at him, "It's 11:20 thomas.. Why aren't you even sleeping in your room?" tom looked at tord then back at his show, "So what?. and i'm not sleeping with you." tord walked over and sat beside tom, "I can sleep on the opposite side." 

tom looked at tord and raised his eyebrow, "So when you get up you'll stab the shit out of me in my sleep right?" tord nodded, "Why tom, i'd never do such a thing." tom blew his breath and rolled his eyes. "Bull Shit." 

Tords eyes narrowed, "Is that how you see me?" tom looked at him and laughed, "You tried killing us last time." he leaned in and hit against tords chest with his finger, "I'm never forgiving you."

Tord looked down at toms finger and he looked back up at tom, staring, "Tom.. i'm s-"  tom scoffed, "What? You're sorry." tord looked away and back at tom, "I was gonna say i'm surprised." tom nodded, "About what?" 

Tord shrugged smiling, "That you didn't kill me." tom looked at the TV and put his spoon in the tub of ice cream and got up walking over into the kitchen, edd walked in and came over opening the fridge, "Are you and tord getting along?" 

Tom looked at edd and scoffed, "No, and i don't think that'll ever happen." edd groaned, "Thomas, But i don't need fights." tom laughed, "Should've thought this through edd, tords a piece of shit, and no he hasn't changed, trust me i know..." tom shut the freezer and tord couldn't help but hear tom from the other room

Tord looked upset but as tom and edd walked over tord looked at the TV with no expression, edd sat beside tord and tord put his arm around edd and pulled him in smiling, edd smiled back and looked at the TV, He sipped his cola and tom headed off upstairs to sleep

It was kinda late and tord had a huge grin across his face narrowing his eyes, matt looked at tord and his eyebrow raised and he started to sweat, still nervous tord was plotting some sick plan, to kill them off, One by one... "Are you okay tord?" Matt asked nervously 

Tord looked at matt and his smile faded, "I'm good." matt looked away and back at tord and then back again at the TV, edd was knocked out and tord stood up and headed off upstairs

Tord opened the room door and saw tom asleep in the bed hanging off the right side, tord crept towards tom and stood there staring down at him, he smirked, he grabbed something out of his pocket and matt peeked inside of the room, tord raised his arm into the air and slapped down, and softly slapped a sticker onto toms cheek  and had writing that said "I'm ugly." on it

Tord smiled and matt gasped and whispered, "Oh no he stabbed tom!" tord jumped and he looked back quickly staring at matt who slammed the door open, "HOW DARE YOU TORD!" 

Tords eyebrow raised, "What?" matts eyes watered, "You stabbed him.. and he did nothing to you....." tord rolled his eyes, "How retarded can you get? i slapped a sticker onto his face.." tord pointed and matts eyes followed, he stared at it and looked back at tord, matt crossed his arms, "That's not very nice." 

"Get out of the room matt." tord pushed him out and closed the door locking it, tord went over to the bed and lied beside tom

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