The S e c r e t.

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Tord crept downstairs and got out quietly, edd came downstairs and locked the door, tom came down and sat onto the couch and looked at the couch and saw tords phone sitting down, edd walked over and picked it up, "Edd? what are you doing.?" edd smirked, "He won't know." 

Edd turned on tords phone and went to see who he has been messaging, "Patryk? Paul?" edd clicked onto pauls,

"Tord get your ass here now."

"What..? i'm in bed.. what is it now??"

"God damn it don't ask, you'll find out once you get here.."

Edds eyebrow raised, "Those were from earlier today.." tom scrolled up on the phone, 

"You're always talking about tom.. tord this ridiculous, this silly thing has to stop."

"... Paul you don't understand."

"I understand that if you keep being head over heels for him you won't be able to finish what you started.. theres no feeling sorry tord, don't you dare forget about the plan.... and what happened." 

"But paul.."

"This isn't the tord i know."

"I know... i just i.. love him." 

"Bullshit, you were talking about how much of a piece of shit he was, and now you love him??" 

"I know.. i know, but i really do, there is something about tom.. that i can't explain."



"Tord listen, you shouldn't have fallen in love with your enemy.." 

"What if i'm his enemy...."

"Didn't he try killing you before?"

"Yeah.. the day you and patryk found me.."

"We're your only true friends tord, now don't forget that, and don't forget the plan."

"I won't."

- Tom looked at edd, "What the fuck.." edd scoffed, "This paul guy is interfering with you and tords relationship..." toms eyes narrowed, "But tord went with it.. he was okay with treating me like shit, and whats the fucking plan???" edd shurgged, "Beats me, tom you shouldn't mention a word about us reading throug his texts, i'd like to find out the plan... so keep quiet." tom nodded, "Oh don't worry i will, and i'm done with tord." 

edd smirked, "Now lets see who this patryk guy is

"Tord.. make sure you wash the blood off of your hoodie.."

"Yeah patryk i know, i'm not dumb, ugh my shirt has specks of the blood on it, but i don't think any of those retards will notice.." 

"Yeah just don't drag attention to yourself."

"I'm about to get home, and my hoodie is red so i'm sure it will be hard to spot."

"Right, don't forget to wear something that you don't really care for next time, because theres gonna be a lot more blood than last time." 

"Oh i can't wait." 

edd gulped and toms eyes widened when the door handle was being fiddled with, edd screamed and got out of the text messages and wiped off the finger prints, he dropped the phone where it was and tom put on the TV and started drinking his alcohol, edd unlocked the door and tord came in

"I forgot my phone..." edd nodded, "Alright?" 

Tord grabbed his phone and tom frowned at tord narrowing his eyes tord and tom stared at each other and tord left slamming the door close

matt came down and jumped onto the couch, "Good morning matt." matt smiled, "Good morning edd!" "When is it ever a 'good' morning?" tom frowned crossing his arms, edd looked at tom and sat beside him putting his arm around his neck, "Maybe if you weren't so grumpy and stubborn, you'd get to enjoy your mornings." 

"Eh.." tom sighed

Tom X TordTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon