Part 1

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"Are you kidding me? It's already two weeks late!" I work not to scream into the phone. Still, the edge in my voice in unmistakable. "I want the report on my desk by the end of the day, including the information which was due weeks ago. If I have to escalate this, no one will be happy!"

I hit the mute button and scream at the phone. With a hard press of the button again, I take a deep breath and smile to convey a different tone. "We're all on the line here," I try to say in a more calm tone. "I appreciate all your effort."

With a hard push from my chair, I stomp to the window and look out across the rolling waves.

"Damn, no wonder she's such a bitch in the evenings." The unexpected male voice makes me jump, and I spin on my heels to face two men leaning against the door frame and the wall at the entrance of my office.

"True Sir. When she gets like this she intolerable. You should do something about it." Evan grins at me, enjoying this moment of power.

"Boy, you are walking a dangerous line." I look at him and raise one eyebrow.

"Mistress, I'm not walking on it, I'm dancing on it with great joy and wonderment."

"Do you think I won't yank your ass back in line?" A thread of tension laces my words.

"Only if you go first girl." The other man's deep voice resounds around the room even though it is just above a whisper. It sends a long forgotten shiver down my spine.

"With all due respect, the boy is under my control, Sir." I challenge without effort. My mind screams at the idiotic move but the stress of work still courses through my veins.

"I'm due far more respect than you are showing me, my dear. This isn't quite the welcome home I was expecting after a month away."

"Really? You both walk into MY office, during my workday and tell me I've got an attitude problem because I live in an all male world? I believe, my dear Sir, it is you who is not showing me enough respect." I raise a single eyebrow in indignation.

"See, I told you she was over the edge." Evan looks over at the other man.

"How long has she been like this?" He returns the question like I am no in the room, or worst, a specimen for their observation.

"About a month." Evan replies with snark.

"What you are telling me is this attitude ramped during my entire work trip?"

"Um, well, she's an excellent Mistress Sir, I don't want you to think she's ever..."

"Back-peddling doesn't become you, boy."

"Garrett, leave him alone." I warn. "If you have a problem with me, then you deal with me. It's unfair to use him as a 'weapon'."

Garrett turns toward me and it is my turn to receive a raised eyebrow. "I see. Unfortunately for you, I agree."

Silence holds the room in a deep embrace while I process his words.

"What do you mean you agree with the boy?"

"Something is off with you. You are disconnected, full of venomous attitude and out of touch with self."

With a deep breath, I try to regain control in a situation which suddenly fells as if it is going against me.

"It's just a hard moment in life right now, Sir." A sarcastic note hits the last word, as it flicks off my tongue. For I wait a breath, trying to internally compose myself. "It is not my intent to show disrespect to either of you, in any of my roles within this household."

Adjustment of AttitudeWhere stories live. Discover now