Part 16

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Emotions roll through me. Each instance moves between knowing it will all be ok to fear I've shattered everything important in a desire to satisfy my selfish needs. They expose the things in me I try to protect and open everything so they can take away it from me. Tears well against my eyes and for once, I let them fall. I let every emotion blast through me. Memories of our happiness swirl with the depths of anger, tinged with sadness. Logic is not present in this place. The cacophony of internal struggles face off with the responsibilities of power and control. Sobs wrack my body and the last vestige of guarded reserve emotions breaks free.

I let my body relax into the release. Doubt and fear creep in but I push it back. If my need to be free in submission then some of me shatters. If the the foundations of everything we've tried to build here are changing then it is best for things to move to build new ones, even if it is alone. All I can do is move forward.

With the towel wrapping my body, I dry off my face. Deft hands pull wet hair back and I pin it in places with two large lacquer sticks. On the bed lays a long white dress with pleats. Slipping it over my head, I gasp at the picture it produces in the mirror.

The Grecian style both hugs and floats around my figure. Movement makes it look as if I am floating instead of merely walking. Even my puffy eyes and redden cheeks seem a natural offset. Rather than defeated and broken, I somehow look radiant and hopeful. With a deep breath, I turn and open the door.

Garrett pushes off the wall. His eyes openly roam my body. After a long open purusal, they land on my face.

"Breathtaking." He utters as his hand reaches behind my neck to pull me close. The kiss is soft and tender. His tongue explores my mouth, runs over my lips, and nibbles right along the edge. With a sigh, he releases me and steps back. He turns his body down the hall and offers his arm.

It is then I notice the leash wrapped around his hand. I let my eyes follow it behind him. Rope wraps Evan's body in a tight harness attached to the leash end in Garrett's hand. In his mouth, a large bit gag forces his silence. His eyes never meet mine as they stare down to the floor.

"It will be ok, Tess." Garrett's words pull me back to him.

"It doesn't feel like it. Everything feels ruined. Shattered to pieces." I let the words flow.

"I know, but growth only comes with pain. We don't grow as individuals, we must grow together or we'll leave someone behind and that's not how we do things." Garrett smiles and kisses my lips softly. "Even if it means we pull them along kicking and screaming."

He glances back at Evan. "Shall we return and complete this journey?"

"Do you know the way?" I ask, my voice more confident than I feel.

"No, but I know the next step on the path and that's good enough." Garrett smiles, as I wrap my arm in his and we step forward.

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