Chapter One: Lost and Found

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Hi! This is my first story on Wattpad! Doubt I will get many views at first but a girl can Dream! Hope you enjoy!

Davina POV

I woke up with beads of sweat trailing down my face. My breathing was suddenly heavy at the immense feeling of power awaking inside me.

"What is it darling?" Kol sleepily asks while embracing my waist tighter. In his arms, I felt a warmth, utterly at home.

"I had this weird feeling." I perched myself up on my elbows and looked at the door in front of the bed. "It felt like the power of a hundred witches combined." I turn my head around and look at his slightly confused face. He tilts his head forward to a motion for me to carry on. "I know I've felt this before, I just can't put my tongue on it." I flop back down to the bed with a groan. I know this feeling, It's like if multiple species combined. Multiple species combined. Like If someone were to have a baby that was a witch but also a vampire and a werewolf. A tribrid. And luckily I only knew one.

"Davina, what are you thinking," Kol lifted himself up a bit and looked at me with caring eyes. I didn't have to have a mirror to know the look on my face was done in deep thought.

"Hope, it's hope" I whisper so low that only a vampire could hear. I scoff and get up out of bed and start pacing. "It's hope, I at least think it is. I mean, I don't want to get Klaus and Hayley's hopes up because that would just be mean." I feel two strong hands pull me to a stop and feel a chaste kiss on my forehead. I let go of the breath I didn't know was holding and laid my head against my husband's chest.

"Go tell them, we can cook up a spell that will show us the source. Go get everyone, this is a family matter."

I quickly nod and run to the middle of the house and screamed. They were bound to have heard it and should come right away. I feel a breeze to my left side and a warm hand on my arm.

"Are you okay?" Elijah asks as he looks me up and down. I feel two more swooshes of wind and look behind me at the faces of Rebekah and Haley.

"Wheres Kol how should I hurt him?" Rebekah asked as she gritted her teeth. I stuffed up my laugh and saw Klaus appear next to Haley. I hear footsteps behind me and see Kol and Freya set things down on the table.

"No need to hurt anyone. I yelled to get everyone down here." I looked around and see the glares at me that I have grown to be accustomed too.

"Well love, thanks for the fright. Any means to this impromptu to meeting?" Klaus asked as he plopped himself in a nearby chair.

"I woke up with the feeling of power. That a witch, a very, very strong one may I add, was using her magic. I knew it felt odd because I've felt like that before. I was thinking of who it was and could only come up with one answer."

"Hope, she felt Hope." Kol chipped in as he handed me a small piece of paper with words written on them. I nod to him thank you and look up to see the Mikaelsons faces. Each and every face looks to have the same expression of love, sadness, and a dash of relief.

"She's back on as a beacon again. They found a spell that I can use to see when she used the magic. First, we will see what sparked the magic, then the use of it." Klaus sped out and back in with a knife.

"I guessing this involves blood?" I nod my head and he slits open his hand and lets the blood drip into the once clear water. Haley comes up for her turn and does the same as Klaus. I mumble out the words written on the paper and feel the wind move around me.

"Is this supposed to happen?" Rebekah asks Freya with a worried look, all she gets is a small shrug. The wind builds up and the settings begin to change into an eerie building structure.

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