Chapter 7: PSAT's and Chemical Warfare

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*LAUGHS UNCOMFORTABLE*: please don't kill me


After the whole complications with Liam in the well, Malia, Derek, and Hope set out to find Satomi's pack. Unluckily for them, everyone was dead on sight, or so they thought. As they turned to go away, Hope caught the faint sound of someone still alive, still struggling.

"Guys..." Hope dragged out quietly as she turned around and did a light jog to the one person with there hand raised. They all looked down at a dying Braeden with shock.

"Hope, your the fastest, get her to the hospital. I'll go look for other survivors and Malia go tell Scott and Stiles." Derek quickly ordered, all of them getting to their task immediately. Hope picked up Braeden in fireman style and started to run to the hospital.


Once they finally got there, Hope kicked open the door and everyone looked directly at her. Rebekah, Klaus, Davina, and Kol, who were out on a blood run and to get more medical supplies, just turned the corner to see her. She was drenched from the pouring rain outside and looked to be frantic.

"She's been shot!" Hope calls out as she walks farther into the hospital, Melissa immediately coming over, "I think she's dying!" Hope set her down on a nearby stretcher and could only watch as Braeden was wheeled away. Hope paced back in forth until Melissa came back from Braeden.

"She's going to be fine, Hope. Relax," Melissa soothed as she brushed Hopes hair back. Hope fell into Melissa's arms in a hug and silently cried with tears going down her face. Her, Braeden, and Derek spent some time together over the last few days. She was cool and had great stories of her travels. Melissa had to go so she left her in the waiting room.

"Hope?" Davina called out from behind her. Hope twirled around and met the eyes of a worried looking family.

"Davina, what are you doing here?" Hope asked nicely as she pulled her into a hug.

"We were just checking on someone." Rebekah quickly lied, not even a blimp in her heart rate was heard. Hope released Davina and stood back with a nod. She awkwardly looked from face to face until she landed on Klaus's. She felt a strange connection to him. It wasn't romantic, but it felt like he was supposed to be by her side. She rarely had time to glance at him at the Lacrosse game a few nights ago, but now that she's looking at him, he looks familiar.

"I know we met briefly at the lacrosse game, but have I seen you any other time before?" Hope asked. Klaus calms himself down before answering.

"We haven't, I'm Klaus, these two's," Klaus pointed between Rebekah and Kol, "are my younger siblings." Hope nodded along until she came to a realization.

"Motherfucker," Hope whispered under her breath in a growl. The vampires of the group heard her and tried not to laugh. "By any chance, could I get a ride back to my place?"

"Absolutely!" Kol said, almost too joyfully. Hope gave a big smile.

"Wait, how did you get here?" Rebekah asked as they started towards their car.

"I ran," Hope said nonchalantly as she opened up the door. Realizing what she said, she looked back up with wide eyes. "I mean, I was, uh, dropped off by a friend and then ran inside. Yeah, I ran inside but not to here. That would be crazy! I mean the woods to here is a very long way," Hope looked up at the amused faces, "I'm not saying as was in the wood like a creep, I just"

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