Chapter Six: Anger and Assassins Part 2

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Hope sat down in her English class, looking at her phone to see if she got a text from Scott telling her about the lacrosse sticks. She didn't see the three other Mikaelson chose the three desk around her.

"Hey, Hope," Rebekah said, catching the attention of her niece. Hope looked up at the three and smiled.

"Hey, guys! What's up?' Hope asked as she put her phone in her backpack.

"Nothing much. You are playing in the game tonight right?" Kol asked, praying that he didn't feed Klaus false information.

"Would I be a good captain if I didn't?" Hope asked sarcastically. They all laughed and it grew silent.

"We were thinking of bringing our families," Davina added in, hoping for to meet the rest of the family.

"Do it. I would love to meet them. Family is important." Hope said with a large smile.

"Do you have any family?" Kol asked suddenly. Hopes demeanor suddenly changed, her going from happy to solemn. Rebekah quickly hit her brother discreetly for seeing the way he made Hope act.

"None by blood, but family doesn't end in blood. Or so that is what a very wise man told me." Hope remarked.

"Who said that?" Davina asked.

"His names Bobby. He's, in all technicality, my uncle. He is my adoptive mom's brother." Hope replied, remembering how she used to spend each summer with him up in his cabin. Lydia wouldn't come because she didn't like the bugs. The bell rang and all them looked forward at Elijah as he started to teach English.

The class came to an end and everyone left with the exception of Hope. She carefully approached Elijah's desk and coughed to get his attention.

"Hi, Mr. Saltzman. I have a question for you." Hope quickly said, worried that he wouldn't except what she was about to say.

"Fire away Mrs.Martin," Elijah replied. This was the first time Hope had directly spoken to him and he was very excited. He didn't care that it was for school.

"So we are reading The Great Gatsby right now and I've read that book about 20 times so I was wondering if I could turn in the assignment for it already?" Hope asked, already getting out her essay from her binder.

"I don't see why that would be a problem" Elijah shrugged as he was handed the six-page essay on the book. Hope started to walk out but Elijah stopped her. "If you don't mind, why do you like this book so much?" Hopes smile got bigger and she walked over to his desk and pulled up a chair.

"I'll start off saying that if I time travel to any time, it would be the 20's. I mean, what's not to love? The dresses, the parties, even the prohibition which only enticed more drinking." Hope ranted as Elijah smiled at her. It was nice for him to see her so enthusiastic about something. She would have loved the 20's, Elijah thought to himself.

"But then you get into the book itself. It's about a man who seemingly has everything he could have wished for, but it all meant nothing because he didn't has one thing. Love. And Fitzgerald's words are poetry. 'Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter, tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. And then one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.' I mean come one isn't that beautiful." Hope was practically yelling as she exaggeratedly moved her hands. " And he wrote such real things. How daisy wanted her daughter to be a fool because that's the best thing you can be in life. You could be completely oblivious to the situations in front of you and not even think. And don't even get me started on Shakespeare." Hope ended as she breathed out. Elijah just kept on smiling at her. Hope looked at him with a small smile.

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