Chapter Six: Anger and Assassins Part 1

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Stiles gave the rundown of the deaths so far in the sheriff's office. Scott stood next to him lightly bouncing while Hope leaned against the edge of the window staring at the paper in her hand; more specifically, the name at the very bottom.

"And then last night," Stiles continued, "23-year-old Carrie Hudson."

"It"s a Deadpool," Hope cut in, walking over to the desk," A hit list of supernatural creatures." Hope was one of the first people to see the list, not including Kira and Lydia. She tore off the last name on the list and told Lydia and Kira to not tell anyone yet what was on the paper. HSe was planning on telling Scott and Stiles now. Scott was the highest ranked on the list they were looking at.

"This is only part of it. The rest still has to be decoded." Scott breathed out.

"Who found this list?" The sheriff asked.

"Lydia," Stiles spoke up.


"She wrote it.' Stiles said with a nod.

"She transcribed it without realizing it. Banshee shit and all that crap." Hope cut in, hand fumbling with the crumbled piece of paper in her jean pocket.

"What are these numbers next to the names?" Stilinski asked.

"We're getting to that. First, you need to know that this list was broken by a cipher key." Stiles replied.

"Wait you mean like a keyword?"

"It's actually a name," Scott said solemnly.

"Allison," Hope spoke up in a weak voice, everyone had a moment of awkward silence., all still mourning for the death of the young girl.

"Her name broke a third of the list," Stiles commented, breaking the silence. Hope zoned out for a little bit catching small parts of the conversation around her. How Lydia is driving herself insane, beacon hills population, and the number of names on the list. She knew they would add up to 117, that's how much was stolen from the Hale vault. Derek was at his loft right now looking into it. She zoned back in right at the end of Stilinskis sentence.

"And then they go after the names on the list." Scott was about to talk again but Hope got up the courage and joined the conversation.

"There is one exception." Everyone looked at Hope, "There was another name on the list."

"Who's name?" Stiles asked, slightly angered that he didn't get all the evidence.

"Mine." Hope sighed out as she put the crumbled piece of paper on the desk. Scott uncrumpled it and they all looked at the paper in shock. "Hope Mikaelson." Hope read out loud, "and I'm worth the whole fucking 117 million dollars."


Hope arrived late at the Hale loft, the time being around 1pm. She carefully closed the sliding door and made her way up the spiraling staircase to Derek's room. She knew that it was probably a bad choice to come here instead of the Argents old place, but she was scared. Not only of the Deadpool but of her blood family. With these thoughts in her head, she ran right into the door leading into Derek's room, promptly falling down on her ass.

"Oww shit!" Hope whispered yelled as she rubbed her head. She heard the door open and looked up at a grinning Derek who was only in his sweatpants.

"Let me guess, you ran into my door? Again" Derek chuckled as Hope just stared at him

"What can I say," Hope giggled as Derek helped her up, pressing a kiss against her forehead, "I'm a klutz!" She made her way past Derek to one of his drawers and pulled out one of his shirts. She heard Derek land on his bed before changing out of her clothes and put on his shirt and a new pair of underwear. She looked over to Derek who was laying on the bed with both his hands behind his head, smirking at the small girl.

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