'There's A Difference between being honest and rude'

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(A/N: Ok so I kind of forgot to put it in the story but (y/n) always has a bored face like Oreki's. If you dont know who he is look him up.)

(Y/n) P.O.V)

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bam.
"Ughhhh" No today please. Today is the day Hell starts. Hooray! (Can you read the sarcasm?)

You get up. Brush your teeth and hair. Get dressed and make toast. Its 5:06 am, it's still too early to go to school. So you go on your phone and look at your emails. Their is one from the school. Come in early. We need to have a little chat. Who writes that to a 15-year-old. I guess I should go early. It is early.

~~~Time Skip To School~~~
This is a big campus. Bigger than the schools campus in the Dream Realm.
You opened the doors. It seemed as reality crushed had harder on your shoulders. Like you were about to make the worst decision of your life, you stumbled a bit but regain your balance. You kept walking looking for the principal's office. After about 5 minutes or so you finally find the office. You knock.

"Come in" a unfamiliar voice said. You walked through the door and went to the center of the room. It was dark. The only light source were the windows behind the principle and his desk. "Ah. (Y/n)(l/n). I am Gakuho Asano, the principal of this school.
I see you became a little familiar with the main campus but you will not be here for very long. You would have been placed in A-Class but instead due to the circumstances we are in you have been placed in E-Class on the hill."
You only nodded. Unable to speak. You felt an overconfident aura around the principal.
"Also i should warn you, you should be advised to stay under the rules of E-class. Understood?" The principal said.
"Yes sir" You felt as if you may get attacked any second. Then the principal waved his hand. Signaling you are able to go and you did.
You were walking out remembering how to leave the building.

"Stop" A firm voice said. You look over your shoulder. The figure who spoke was a boy with short strawberry blonde hair and violet eyes. He almost looked like the principal a bit.

"What?" you said in a bored tone.

"Who are you and where are you going?"

"Why should I tell you? Its none of your businesses who I am."

"I am Asano Gakushu. The student council president. Now tell me your name."


"First name?"


"That's...a..nice name." Is Asano trying to flirt? If he is, he sucks at it.

"....thanks..." You looked at Asano for a second then turned around. "There's a difference between being honest and rude."

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