Chapter 7

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I yawn. "Hey, Hinata, Do we have anything planned today? I forgot everything that was planned today.", I said. Hinata laughed. I raise an eyebrow. "No, all that was planned today was Sarada coming over before she and Boruto went on a trip to that water park with his friends.", She says. I sigh. "I miss being Hokage...So many adventure's...", I say. Hinata smiles at me. I smile back. "Hey, do you think Sarada actually knew where they were going..?", I ask with curiously. "Probably not, Boruto probably told her some sort of lie so she would go with them..", Hinata replies. "Probably.", I respond. "It has been quite a day, hasn't it?", I say. "Yeah, it has, hasn't it?", She says. "Hey, now that I think about it..We haven't seen Sasuke or Sakura in awhile, have we?", I remind ourselves. She nods. "Should I send him a letter asking if he is interested in coming to see us sometime?", I ask. "Well, If you want. But remeber, we have to go see Lady Tsunade tomorrow.", She reminds me. I sigh. "Do we have to?", I ask like a child. She lets out a little giggle. "Yes, plus, didn't she say it was important because you were a previous Hokage?", She says. "Yeah, but it can't that important...Can it?", I said. Hinata nods. I let out another sigh. "Well, you should get your sleep. I will finish cleaning up and then take a nap.", She says. "No,No, I will take care of cleaning today. You go ahead and take your nap, you have been doing this ever since I was Hokage.", I said. "Oh, it really is nothing, you don't have to do this.", She says. "Yes it is, you have been doing so much for me, it is my turn to let you relax.", I say while grabbing a broom. "If your sure. But if you need anything, just come and get me, okay?", She said before walking off. "Okay, but at least get some rest.", I said. I started to sweep the floor. I yawn. She really did do a lot of work for me all these years. I wash the dishes. I wonder if Boruto is doing okay on his trip. Hopefully Sarada will not kill him when she finds out she was tricked. I sigh.


I don't trust that boy, and if something bad happens to Sarada, or she is upset, I will kill that little boy! The only reason I let her on that trip was because Sakura convinced me it would be fun for her to do a bit of traveling. I shouldn't never said yes. If he lays one finger on her, he is dead. If he is lucky, he will be alive when he gets home. I let out a sigh. I look around. Now where is the store again? It has been so long since I was able to do some regular shopping. Last time I can recall shopping in the Leaf Village must've been long ago. So, all I need to buy is a can of soup? Easy. Okay, maybe not so easy. But I will not let this beat a Uchiha! I will find this store! No matter the pain of this quest, I will arrive at the soup store! One way or another. Oh wait, There it is..In front of..Me. Im pathetic when it comes to shopping. Sakura, You deserve a better shopper person. I let out a sigh and pick up a can of soup. This should do. I pay the lady and head on back home. I don't think Sakura is home, She should be at the Hospital. I go in the house. Yeah, She must be at work. I set groceries on the table. "Hm?  What is this? A letter?", I say while picking up a note on the table. It is from Sakura? "Sasuke, I will be busy today, so go ahead and make dinner for yourself. I am coming home late by the way. So many people are coming in, and some of their injures are serious. Well, see you later!                                                                                                                   -Sakura" So she will be late today...And I can't cook...Im going to starve...Where is Sarada when I need her help...Oh wait..WITH THAT BORUTO IDIOT!!! 


So many patients are dieing from such a sudden disease. I should talk about this to Lady Tsunade, But she is probably too busy to help me. After all, she is one of the best healers in Kohona. Now that I think of it, Doesn't she have a meeting tomorrow for the Hokage? Sarada will not be able to attend though! Oh no! Did she even announce she was leaving the village to go on a trip?! Oh my. Lady Tsunade is going to be furious! I will have explain fast so she will not kill me before I can explain. I will have to tell Sasuke first. This is bad! Maybe Naruto can tell her. He is going to that after all, right? Well, He was a previous Hokage, So he should be going to the meeting..Oh my, this is too much pressure on me! Plus on top of all of this, I have to get home late today, and Sasuke can't cook. I will have  make him something when I get home.  Or he could just go to the Ramen shop. Right?


I hope they don't do anything stupid. Especially Boruto. He is such a trouble maker. Even though he is almost all grown up now. I'm  still proud of them though, especially Sarada. She always did have a dream to become Hokage, didn't she? Well, that just proves that if you put your mind to something, your goal will be accomplished. I should visit them sometime. Maybe I could chat with Naruto sometime, though he is probably at Ichiraku's Ramen. I wonder how his wife puts up with him sometimes. She must be a miracle to him. Oh wait,isn't that Naruto over there? "Hey, Naruto?", I said while waving. "Hm? Oh, Hey Konohamaru! How are you?", He said while walking over to me. "I'm doing fine, how about you? Still enjoying ramen?",  I asked. "I'm doing alright, and yes.", He said. "Don't you ever get tired of it?", I asked. "Nope. I could eat ramen for a living if I had to.", He said proudly. Sometimes it makes me wonder how he became Hokage, but then again, he did save the village multiple times. Especially when Pain showed up. And he killed the Goddess Kaguya with his team. I remember one of them was an Uchiha, but I just can't seem to remember his name.  I feel like I've heard it all the time. "You feeling okay Konohamaru? Your starting to look a bit pale.", Naruto said. "Oh. I'm fine. Just lost in my thoughts.", I said. "Alright, well I have to get home. See'ya Konohamaru!", He said while running off. "See'ya Naruto.", I said while waving. 


"What a drag.", I mumbled while boiling water. "It was your idea to take turns cooking.", Temari said. I  let out a sigh. "Yeah but, I didn't think it would be this hard.", I said. "By the way, what are we making again?", I ask. "Soup.", She said. "Right. How do you make that again?", I ask. She sighs. "Well, Did you boil the water?", She asked. "Yeah?", I said. "Ok,  Now we add the noodle's.", She said. "Ok.", I said while pouring the noodles into the pot. "Now add the broth and stir.", She said. "Alright.", I said while adding the broth and start to stir. "So, How do you  know when it is finished?", I asked. "Well, taste it and see if it taste good.", She said. I put some into the spoon and sipped it. It taste alright I suppose, but I don't think it taste the same as Temari's cooking. I grabbed two bowls and poured soup into them and sat them on the table. "Dinners ready.", I said.

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