Chapter 9

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I began walking to Ichiraku's Ramen because I gave in on trying to cook. I sat down on one of the seats. The man squinted at me. I felt awkward. "Um..1 bowl of ramen please.", I said. "Sure thing, Sir..But, Aren't you Sasuke Uchiha..?", The Man asked. "Yes.", I said and he looked excited and headed off to make me a bowl of ramen. Well that was weird. He soon brought over the bowl on ramen and sat it in front of me. I picked up the chopsticks and began slurping the noodles.


I woke up to something warm touching my hand and I flinched a little. I opened my eyes to find the idiot holding my hand. My face turned slightly red. I quickly moved my hand away from him and looked at the two boys in front of me. I gritted my teeth and took their hands snd put them together. I also scribbled something on their cheeks. I laughed mishecviously and then stuffed the marker in Boruto'd hand. This is what you get for drawing on us guys, and sorry not so sorry Boruto! Boruto twitched and I flinched, quickly pretending to sleep. Phew..!


I yawned as I walked out of the store. Maybe I will pay a visit to Himawari..I still have spare time after all, so why not? I began walking down the street until I found the Uzumaki House. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. It opened a minute or so later by the previous Hokage. "Oh, hey Mitsuki. What brings you here?", he said and let me in and I smiled. "I came to visit Himawari and everyone. I was just doing some shopping for my dad and I had some spare time so I thought why not.", I said. He nodded and smiled. "Well, it's nice to see ya'. Wait..aren't you suppose to be with Boruto?", He asked. I raised my eyebrow. "No..? I don't think so...I've been with my father all summer, and I'm still going to be.", I said. He nodded. "How's he doing?", He asked. I brought my hand up to my chin to think. "Well, he's loosening up a bit on me, so that's nice..he's constantly going places..but otherwise, I'd say he's doing well.", I said and smiled and he did too. "Good to hear. Oh, right, Himawari's down the hall.", he said and gestured me to the hallway and I bowed and then walked down it.


A heard a knock on the door causing me to yawn and fall off the bed with a thud. "Ouch..!",I said and rubbed my head. "Come in!", I yelled and then the door opened. I was shocked to see him, but definitely happy. "Mitsuki..!?", I said excited and jumped up from the ground and ran to him and hugged him while he laughed. "Hey Hima. How have you been?", He asked while smiling down at me. "I've been doing great! And how come you've been gone for so long?!", I said while hugging him tighter. He laughed. "I've been training with my dad, sorry. How about we have some fun to make up for the time I've been gone?", He said and I nodded. "Let's go to the arcade!" He nodded and I quickly grabbed his hand and rushed out the door to the arcade happily and excited. "Hey, slow down Himawari..!" He laughed and tried to keep up with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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