Chapter 3- ChainWolf

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Its paw had something pinned to the ground, which happened to be the dead guard, his throat and neck a bloody mess. I now couldn't make out his facial features, due to the fact his face was gone.

Its head was low, showing its furry shoulders and neck. That giant wolf stood as still as a statue, and stared at me. No pupiled eyes are scary on their own, but when they are part of a giant, black wolf, it turns up the heat a little bit.

I stood there, stiffening slightly, staring at it, as it stared at me. Never look away from these wolves; for a blink can be fatal. I glared at it, and it blankly stared back. I would wait for it to make its move first, so then I can trap it in it here.

Its back paws moved slowly and almost unnoticeably into a position behind its body. Then it slowly crouched lower to the ground, readying to pounce. I did the same and bent my knees in anticipation. A deep low growl came from the wolf's closed mouth and it jump.

Just as it did, an arrow came shooting through its side at lightning speed. Its head crashed into the door, bending it back, away from me. The long arrow came from a crossbow, since it was so thick and fast. As I ran by the wolf, I could see the floral-green arrow's tip and feathered end stick out on either side of the wolf as it laid there. But, there was no blood. No blood, no death. That's how it works with these wolves; they are very strong and can survive most things humans can't, like getting hit with an arrow.

Its legs started to tense as I stepped over them carefully, and in a heartbeat, it whipped its head around and snapped at me viciously. As its front paws pushed me down, I tried to scoot out of the way before its massive body weight pinned me down. I rolled over to my side as one foot came crashing down to the earth, but the other one landed on my stomach and gripped me strongly.

Its jaw came down wide open, and since I was on my back, I tried to roll to the opposite side, but it's very hard when you have a clawed paw holding you down; but I made it just as its mouth bit empty space.

I pushed its paw off, finally, but too late. As I started to get up, it snapped its jaws at my back, cutting me severely and ripping a hole in my loose jacket. As it pulled its head away from me with velvet in its mouth, I ran for my life. It hurt having your back sting as you ran, but I pursued on for cover in the darkness.

"CHAINWOLVES!" a feminine called from out of sight, "They're here! Run!"

I noticed. I thought angrily. 

That was a ChainWolf that attacked me. They are a dark soot black, with puffy fur at the end of their tails and shoulders with skinny legs. Their paws are almost as big as my face and have four toes with long thick claws that have a strong grip if they can grab something. Their eyes, like I said before, are pupil-less and glow red, especially at night. But the worst thing about them is what lies in their mouth. Most animals have teeth that can snap or break off, and naturally fall out with age; but ChainWolves have no teeth. Instead, they have curved ocean wave-looking bone that is attached straight to their skull and scientifically they have no teeth, and only one bone in their head. Then that would mean that they only have six fat "teeth" that are stronger than any real tooth. 

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