Chapter 13- Thank the Fire

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Good thing she didn't have to choose because at that moment, a burning tree fell down and started to roll near the White Death. Julie backed out of the way and the White Death let go of me and turned all the way around to look at it. This was my time. I tried to get up and limped farther away from the fire. We were almost at the cliff edge. This wasn't good. The log came rolling down and the White Death struggled to stop it from pushing her.

"Julie, the log." I don't know how Julie knew what I meant but she walked over to it in so much pain, it made me cringe looking at her.

As the White Death pushed the burning log away, I almost inch-wormed over to her legs and knocked them from underneath her. I bit her lower back and tried to reach for her neck. Her neck was shorter than mine and her small, thick, scaly horns on her head made it very difficult for me to grasp her neck. Her head tried to bite my bad leg again as I tried to climb up on her back as she stood up on all fours. I got one good glimpse of her face, and I truly wished that I didn't.

Her face, claws, and some scratches on her body, were a bright red. But on her mouth, it was darker and a maroonish color. It took me a second to realize that the White Death bled bright strawberry colored blood, and I  bled dark maroon. I was dying. Bleeding out was one of the last ways I would think to die. No, I wasn't going to die, though dying would be better than this, than anything I've ever experienced in this terrible world.

My reactions started to slow down and I couldn't move my head in time as I saw the White Death's mouth come at me. My left eye was forced closed and I felt sharp small spikes stab into the top and bottom of my head in two rows. It hurt as the spikes gripped harder and my head was thrown to the ground. It took me a second to figure out what just happened, but I soon knew that I just got bit in the head by the White Death. My jaw ached and my head bled so much I couldn't see out of one eye.

The whole world started to spin a little bit and dizziness started to take a turn on my legs. I don't remember what happened next, but I think I collapsed right then and there. It took a lot of energy just to keep my eyelids from closing. They seemed to being getting heavier every minute and everything around me seemed to be blurring together. I could barely tell apart the White Death from the blazing fire. Blazing fire, I thought drowsily. I couldn't tell if I was tired or bleeding out anymore. But, the fact that I was at the edge of a living fire, kept me awake.

The White Death took one look at me and then looked for Julie. She must know I'm dying. She's a Death, so she can probably sense it like a sixth sense, except she doesn't see dead people -pun intended.

Julie looked at the advancing dragon and decided to roll the log the White Death had been trying to push down at the White Death. She was struggling to do it, since her legs were so beat up. They were shaking underneath her as she pushed the heavy log down the sloped hill. The White Death looked at the incoming flaming log and readied herself to stop it by lifting her front arms and putting her clawed hands in front of her.

I knew if the White Death was ready for impact of the big log, it wouldn't be worth rolling it down to her. So, I decided to use the last of my energy to puff a little amount of green fire that shot out of my mouth and lit the White Death's stomach on fire. I would think she would be used to being burned before, since a Death like her deserves to get blasted in the face with fire by every dragon she meets. Apparently her scales couldn't handle the heat.

The White Death screeched and had to of jumped a mile into the air. She flapped her torn wings helplessly and fell back to earth, clawing at her stomach. Green fire burned hotter than most fire and spread faster, too. Her legs and lower body soon were engulfed in the flames, and I could make out her stomach, blackened by the fire.

With a white, steamy blast from her mouth, the White Death extinguished the fire with pure ice. Her legs now were covered in frost and the grass below her feet was dead and frozen. No wonder she can't handle the heat, she's an ice dragon. 

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