Chapter 11- The White Death

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"Run, Grandpa! I found her! I found her! She's coming!" Julie yelled back at me as I stood there in confusion. Trees cracked and something huge leaped over my head onto another tree above, causing burnt, or almost burnt leaves to fall to the ground.

"No," a deeper female voice said from the tree, "I found you!"

A giant white panther-like dragon jumped from the trees over some flames and onto the ground, blocking my path out of the fire. Her stomach and legs were covered in black soot, making her once pure-white appearance a little darker. A long pink scar ran down her skinny left side and her eyes had no pupils. Though they were blue, I would have to admit that they were way scarier than any ChainWolf's could ever be. A ChainWolf's was just a plain old red color, while her's looked like a glacier broke into a million pieces and was caught behind her eyelids. I noticed her swinging tail had a sharp arrow tip, like the simple dragons have, except as it slowly paced back and forth like an agitated cat's would, I could make out little sharp edges on it. Now that I think about it, it was just a giant shark tooth on her tail. Ha.

Julie stopped running and looked at the White Death.

"I found you." The White Death said. Her voice was scary, though it was not that deep. It wasn't as high pitched as Julie's, but I think how calm it was made it deathly; and maybe it was the fact that it was coming out of a very dangerous and scary dragon.

Julie sighed and turned around to face her. The dragon didn't seem to notice me and kept her back to me. I was getting pushed closer and closer to the White Death as the flames ate each tree around me. A couple smaller trees were on the ground, so I decided to hide behind one.

Julie drew her sword that somehow had stayed with her the entire time. She bent her knees and raised her sword like a batter at a base. The White Death as well crouched lower. They reminded me of the ChainWolf and I, except this situation was more dire. If Julie died, so did us humans.

Julie took giant steps backwards dodging the White Death's massive claws. As the White Death recovered from her landing, Julie slashed her sword against the Death's white scales. A long streak of red blood stained her pure white face. Julie smiled devilishly, but the White Death growled and knocked her down with her giant head. Julie did a backwards somersault and lost her grip on her sword. I guess her legs had to start hurting there, since her face showed it and she had difficulty standing back up.

The White Death waited, though. She knew she was going to win, so she waited patiently, her eyes staring deep into Julie. She looked like a cat, not moving, staring at a dying mouse. The White Death snarled and walked over to Julie. She stood towering over Julie on her back legs and slashed at Julie with her two front paws. Julie dodged her paws and rolled out of the way, as the rest of the White Death fell to the earth right next to her. Julie's eyes showed panic as she tried to get up from her knees.

This time, the White Death didn't wait for Julie to get up and whipped her head around. She opened her mouth very wide, showing all her tiny teeth and big pink tongue, and closed it around Julie's left leg. Her whole leg disappeared in a white mouth and Julie screamed in pain. She tore at the grass, trying to grab onto something as the White Death lifted her head up. Julie hung there, her eyes shut tight in serious discomfort, and tried to scratch the White Death's snout. But she must of been in too much pain to do a sit-up type motion, and gave up after one try. She dangled there, helpless.

It hurt to see Julie like that. I've never seen her hurt or scared. She was a fighter, strong, and wouldn't give up no matter what. But this one dragon had taken all of that away in one moment. And to make things worse, the White Death wasn't done.

She threw her head quickly to the right and let go of Julie. Julie went flying through the air and her back hit a tree. She yelped in pain and crumbled into a ball on the tree's roots. She wouldn't be able to get up, though she slowly tried to. That tree was very close to the fire, and I had almost forgotten about it, too. The fire, of course. Not Julie.

I gritted my teeth and growled low in my throat. I turned into a dragon, the same dragon as before, and charged the White Death. The smoke was hurting my lungs, making it painful to breathe deep or fast. The White Death didn't notice me and lunged for Julie. 

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