Chapter 5- How Death Works

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I lied there on the ground, looking like I was making a snow angel, and breathed heavily. It was gone... It was gone.

"Nice job with that wolf." I heard a high-pitched voice say. I looked around and saw a small teenage girl with her arms crossed staring at me. "Your welcome." She said, and put her weight on one hip.

"For what?" I asked hoarsely.

"For saving your life, obviously. If it wasn't for that arrow, you'd be ripped to pieces."

"Sure." I got up and walked painfully away. She was a pain to have. Julie was much faster than me, and was high in intelligence, which was the only thing different between her and the other villagers.

She followed me as I walked, but kept her distance behind me... which I was glad she did. Julie knew I didn't like to be around people and that is probably the only thing that she respects of me.

"I think you should get inside before the Firemares come." Julie said, as she looked at my limp and torn clothing.

"I should say the same about you. You wouldn't of been able to hold that wolf down and you won't do well against a Firemare."

"Yes I can." She said confidently. "I would be able to outsmart it before it even attacked me, and since I'm part of a prophecy, I won't have to worry about any Firemare."

"You're part of a prophecy?" I did a double take when she said prophecy.

"Yeah. I'm supposedly the one who defeats the White Death.-" I cut her off.

"And what does the White Death have to do with anything here?" 

"Well, if you let me finished, I would of explained some things." she stopped walking and rolled her eyes towards me. I stopped too, now a little curious of what she meant. "The White Death has been planning this for years and she finally got what she wanted for so long: the Dragon Jewel. She wants to kill off the human race because she says we will wipe out the world or something, and says this Jewel will summon something that will help her. I am the one who will go into one to one combat with her and win the day, along with saving the human race as we know it. You're welcome."

I thought carefully of what to say: "First off, never say you're welcome till you do something that deserves a thank you. Second off, if you kill the White Death, she'll just come back and kill you."

"Yeah, but I'll kill her three times and then she'll leave me alone." Julie said confidently.

"So ambitious." I said sarcastically and annoyingly.

See, the way Deaths work is just a little bit confusing. If they get killed by someone, they regenerate and are set on an unbreakable coarse to kill the one who killed them. But, every time they die, they lose a memory of their past life, like a friend they've made, or where they've explored. And by losing those memories, it has made the ones that died the most stone cold and unemotional. The Yellow Death has died the most and has learned from all of her twenty-two mistakes. Now, she is extremely aggressive and won't get tricked a twenty-third time. 

But the White Death was scarred as a baby by her brother the Black Death. They were rough playing too much, and it ended with a giant scar down the White Death's side, causing her to hate him with the deepest, darkest part of her heart, and that hatred soon leaked onto everything else in this world. They say some Deaths can see the future; I think the White Death can. She knows what will happen to this world, and she knows the humans are the main cause of it.

I know where I am now. This island isn't away from other islands, where no human contact can reach; I'm in the past. That's why there are no computers or phones. That's why people aren't the smartest here. That's why all these creatures still roam; I'm in the past, and alone.

"Hey, hey!" Julie said shaking me. I must of spaced out 'cause we were still standing in the same spot and she was shaking me vigorously.

"Come on. We need to go. I heard a commotion near the end of that street, down there." She gestured a couple streets down where I could see some shadows moving around. I just noticed that the sun was finally coming up; the perfect time for Firemares to attack the town.

I started to walk away from Julie, hoping she wouldn't follow. She did. I muttered some things to myself as I started to pace faster, and soon felt extremely tired.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Julie asked as I hid around a corner. I flattened against a building and hoped she wouldn't see me- she surprisingly didn't. She walked farther away from the building, and I watched her look wildly around. The whole house creaked. It creaked again, and the wooden awning I was hiding under creaked and dust rained down on my face.

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