Chapter 8- Black and Blue

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I could feel her squirming between my two feet that had an uncomfortable and strong grip on both of her shoulders. When you see a bird snatch a fish from the ocean or a bear grab one from the stream, give them some credit. They all make it look so easy. Holding her still was very hard and she squirmed like a worm; in fact I almost crashed into the cliff wall but soared high enough above that both of us just barely made it without touching its jagged edges.

"Let me go! Drop me!" Julie screamed. Oh, if this was another dragon, her head would be inside its mouth and it would enjoy every moment of that silence. She's not the quiet type and tends to be nasty loud, which of course would draw more attention, more eyes. More Firemares. As I flew above those wretched walls, a herd of Firemares took flight and followed me into the sky. Julie seemed to notice, and with a wide eyed expression, she knew it was better to be here then back on the ground.

Being a dragon is so much better than being a human. I could hear so much more and see so much brighter and crisper. And I could also understand other dragons! The ones roaring behind me were speaking to each other! Unbelievable. I thought dragons only roared to show frustration or fear, never words that others could understand. They were trying to strategize, but I only kept flying as fast as I could. My arms were getting tired in the same position, just flapping them up and down, but my body structure helped support my arms and keep them flapping and warm. I would keep flying... I would keep flying. I would out fly every last one of those beasts. They wouldn't get me. Never. And I did. Slowly, they started to land to the moving landscape below, and that was finally when I slowed down, but did not stop beating my wings and breathing in heavy harsh breaths that burned my throat.

Julie seemed to see this as a safe place, too. I felt her move around in one of my claws, not trying to break free. I was curious, but kept flying. It felt good to be in this crisp air, especially with the sun brightening the sky and making it a nice golden and blue. Then, I felt something cold brush ever so slightly past my left leg and felt a sharp sting. Jolting with surprise as I figured out what that was, I flipped my head underneath my body to see Julie holding a sword, pointing it at my stomach. Seeing that my life was in danger, I didn't think and blurted out loud, "Don't you dare stab me with that! If you do I will drop you!"

That did the trick. Julie gasped and her eyebrows hid under her black bangs. Her eyes were wide and her jaw was slightly open in surprise. I looked at her confused, tilting my head.

"You... you... you talk?!" Julie screeched.

"Yeah, so?"

"Only Death dragons talk." She almost whispered, her face turning an unnaturally ghost white.

Yeah, I forgot that dragons don't talk the human language. Hmm, I'll eventually have to tell her who I am and what I want. But for now, I can mess with her.

"Yeah, don't you recognize me?" I asked casually.

Julie violently shook her head. "Am I supposed to? Are you part of the prophecy, too?"

"Yes. I am the one who brings you to the White Death."

"Noooooo!!" Julie moved so much my whole leg swung back and forth as she tried to loosen my grip and fall.

Still looking at her, I grinned a wide toothy grin that apparently didn't help show that I was kidding. "Look kid, I was kidding."

Julie stopped struggling but still had a skeptical look on her face. "I didn't know a dragon was capable of kidding." she said cooly.

"Oh, you're so plain lucky I'm not looking to kill you." I said, still grinning now a fake grin. I could of dropped her right there, but decided not to. Something felt wrong doing that.

"Where are you taking me?" Julie asked after a while of silence.

I looked back down at her and said, "Away from other dragons... so, so you don't get hurt."

"Hmmm," Julie gave me a cute, innocent grin.

"... and can get to the White Death safely." I added on.

"Aww, I thought you weren't so cold-hearted. Guess I was wrong."

I snorted and then said, "I'm not cold-hearted. And what makes you think that anyway... 'cause I'm a dragon?" I growled.

"I think so." Julie said, "Because you're just a"- she looked away from my face and looked at the sky. Her eyes then, got wider as if she saw a ghost- "DRAGON!"

"What?" I was confused and she pointed behind my head. I looked to see just at the last minute a sky blue dragon whip, faster than lightning past me, knocking my head to the side and our wings collided. Julie was ripped from my claws and into the talons of the other two legged dragon. But as it tried to take a sharp, fast turn, Julie dropped like a rock to the ground below. She screamed and the almost invisible dragon dove for Julie. I flapped in place and thought more than twice about saving Julie. As I flew there, I knew I was wasting time and growling in frustration, I dove for her.

The other dragon was way faster than me and it wasn't as exhausted either. With claws stretched, I reached for Julie but instead of grabbing her, I grabbed empty space and felt and heard the blue dragon break the sound barrier as it soared upwards. After that boom, the air was silent and no more dragons roamed the sky but me.

I slowly followed the blue dragon, or at least the path I think it chose. There was nothing I could do. I just put the whole world in danger because I couldn't hold on to a little girl. Can't wait to see how things unfold now. 

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