Chapter 6- Firemare

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I could see a huge black object through the holes in the wood, and a strange hissing noise like a pit of snakes were all hissing at once. It walked slowly and Julie noticed. Her expression on her face was terror and trying to be confident at the same time. She backed up a little bit as I saw one giant black wing land on the ground in front of me, with two huge talons on it. That was a Firemare's wing all right. Another one followed and a massive body with two feet came crashing down.

Its tail almost whipped me in the face as it walked on its wings towards Julie. Instead of running for the hills or attacking it, she put out her hands in a nice, open sense, trying to show the dragon she meant no harm. I still find it hard to believe that she thinks sticking her hands out, hoping it will just put its head against her palm and then trust her all of a sudden, is ridiculous. It growled and raised its head high, trying to scare Julie off.

Just run off, I almost said aloud. I must of spoke some of it aloud since the Firemare turned its red striped head over towards my hiding spot. Seeing that I was trapped, it exhaled sharply (I could feel the warm air from where I was standing). It then opened its mouth slightly and inhaled as much air as it could, readying to shoot flames. Hearing a dragon do that is like ghosts trying to escape hell. It's so multi-sounded, it almost sounds like it's screaming so high pitched that its voice cracks multiple times.

The longer it breathed in, the wider its jaws opened and the bigger the flame in its mouth got. It stopped opening its mouth, leaned its head back, and a burst of scarlet and gold fire came flying out. My magic saves me a lot and it did right then. I thought about being fireproof and cold. As the flames engulfed me, it burned -it hurt- so much and the force of the fire itself made it impossible for me to move, but my magic wrapped its purple arms around me and slowly, painfully, transformed me into a giant dragon.

The Firemare stopped breathing fire, since when any dragon breathes out anything, they're holding their breath for a very long time. Dragons with bigger lungs can breathe longer and ones with more or bigger fireholes, (fireholes are where the flames come from) they can burn huge amounts of forests to a crisp ashy desert of nothing.

As soon as it was done, thinking it killed me, it turned around towards Julie who this time, thankfully ran. It roared running on two long feet and wings hunched far over, its head bobbing up and down, inches from the ground as it ran.

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