1PT. ~I~want~to~know~♥

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HALT THERE STRANGER! Beware this is a sequel and you probably will have no idea what is going on if you don't read the first one. SO GO READ THE FIRST ONE!

And hey if you've been to this rodeo before then you already know ABOUT THE WONDERFUL PLAYLIST OF THE DAY!!!!! I'll try not to make the book playlist like 125 songs long again. but i cant promise anything.

Playlist of the day:


by the way i aint wastin time here... Im getting into this plot right off the bat my bros xD


"And you said these guys were messing around with high tech weapons..?" Peter asked again, this time more uncertainly as he watched one of the crooks nearly shoot his own foot off trying to figure out how to turn the safety of his gun on. 

"Yup." Wade said, popping the P as he too seemed rather confused by the people they were stalking, if you could really call sitting in foldable lawn chairs in a dark alley stalking. Nobody had seen them yet, but still. Was it really stalking if you made yourself incredibly easy to spot?

Peter and Wade had been working 'cases' as they called them every so often. With Wade occasionally going out of town for certain non-lethal missions and Peter busy with his class schedule at NYU, they usually tried to find odd cases like these to do as a duo to spend time with one another, since neither of them could exactly binge watch TV like they used to, considering they'd seen just about everything, and they'd already tried couple's yoga and that hadn't really worked out, so fighting crime was the decided activity.

"This has to be one of the weirdest cases we've ever done." Peter decided as he watched another clueless goon nearly kill himself with the weapons they apparently didn't know how to use.

"I don't get why anyone would be threatened by these guys. They look like a bunch of suburbs dads who just got fired from their office jobs." Wade complained, stretching out in his red and black folding chair.

"And you're sure Weasel wasn't just pranking you with this one?" Peter asked, knowing Weasel had most likely been the main informative source on this particular case.

"I'm not really sure." Wade said thoughtfully, Peter rolling his eyes at the fact they might've been on a wild goose chase this entire time.

"What exactly did Weasel say?" Peter asked, turning to look at his boyfriend, seeing as the people they were currently watching didn't seem to be any danger to anyone but themselves at the moment.

"He said there were some people who had dangerous weapons maybe left over from the Tinkerer-- that one guy that worked with the Vulture-- and that the girl from the Evyn case might be back." Wade said, sounding rather annoyed about that fact. 

"As in the Evyn case from last year?" Peter questioned with raised eyebrows.

He'd thought for sure that they would've had backlash from accidentally letting Kit escape sooner than now, and definitely not in the alien-tech weapons area. He'd thought her style was more along the lines of human experimentation, not black market weapons.

"Bingo. Although we must've gotten the address wrong because this looks nothing like what Weasel described." Wade sighed overdramatically, leaning over the side of his own chair and more onto Peter's, somehow managing to keep the chair from collapsing beneath him as he did so.

"Should we just leave then?" Peter offered, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Weasel had never sent them on prank missions before, he was usually pretty serious when it came to information. So why prank them now?

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