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Playlist of the day:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1L2eAX944o <-- lol can't deny some elton john

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IJcmxwUlfA <-- between the new Ant-Man & Wasp trailer I just watched and The Proposal, I just had to include this one in here XD


Tom yawned in boredom for what felt like the billionth time that afternoon, already regretting the deal he'd made with Wade about being good for the rest of the time.

He wanted to be out crawling and swinging around Manhattan, not just cooped up in an apartment all week. He wanted to go do things. He wanted to go be Spider-man.

Of course, it wasn't like he couldn't enjoy the Spider-man powers from where he was currently, but Tom would much rather be swinging. All he could do here is use the ceiling as over-glorified monkey bars and use his super strength to open annoying jars with ease.

So far he felt he'd made a little bit of progress with getting to know Wade, although, Tom could still see the fact that Wade would probably kill him in a heartbeat if it got Peter back. There were no doubts there.

"Waaade." Tom called, hearing an annoyed groan in response. Could he not even ask for things now?

"Can I go get coffee?"



"Because someone who knows Peter might see you and know you're not Peter."

"Like who? I'm an actor, I think I could handle maybe running into someone Peter knows." Tom's eyes followed Wade's figure as he walked into the living room. "'sides, I probably would know them too. You seem to be forgetting I am technically Spider-man in my universe." Tom pointed out, hoping that didn't come across too conceited, but it was the truth. He just really hoped Wade could handle the truth.

"Yeah, and I get that, but what if you run into May? Or Ned? You seem to be forgetting that the Peter whose body you're borrowing isn't 15. He's 19 and going to ESU, which means there's a lot of people Peter knows, that you very much do not know. You didn't even know that me and Peter were together. So sorry, but I'm not exactly fond of the idea of having you mess up Peter's life." Wade stated over sarcastically, slumping into the chair to the left of the couch, Tom getting the feeling that he'd not sat on the couch just to indirectly say he didn't like Tom.

"Then why don't you go with me? Please? Can we just do something other than sitting here?" Silence. "Pleaaaase?" Tom pleaded, honestly sick of being cooped up just because everyone was worried he'd do something he had no intention of doing. For once he had actual freedom as a non-celebrity and it was held just out of reach by what-if's

Tom really thought he'd done a good job on getting a handle on the whole powers deal. He'd even been working on it for most of yesterday afternoon and this morning. He had a lot of it down to a fine science at this point. So why was everyone somehow worried he'd spill the beans and out Peter as Spider-man, or out himself as not Peter. He hadn't spoiled Infinity War, he could definitely not spoil Peter's life.

"Pleaaaase?" Tom tried again, hoping the fact he looked exactly like Peter would help him out a bit.

"Peter I ca-" Wade cut himself off as he realised what he'd just said, Tom almost (definitely) feeling bad for the guy with the way he looked like a puppy that'd been kicked.

"Hey, it's cool. You're not the first person to accidentally call me Peter. Happens all the time, and I'm kind of wearing his clothes and that's probably just confusing you. No biggie, right?" Tom tried to reassure him, not wanting Wade to feel guilty about thinking of Tom as Peter. They did look exactly the same to be fair, and it wasn't like it was Wade's fault for getting them confused, at least name-wise.

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