3T. Look For Me

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Playlist of the day:


when PC's don't have a red heart-->❤💛💚💙💜


"I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong with him."

"He got shot with some sort of invisible bullet and passed out, how is there not something wrong with him?!"

"Look. All his health information adds up, and nothing at all is physically wrong with him. You say he got shot with this thing?"

"Yeah, I took it off the Tinkerer so my first guess is alien stuff."

"Mmm, maybe."

"And you're sure he's okay?"

Tom opened his eyes in confusion, wondering if he was imagining Robert Downey Jr.'s voice or if Downey really had come to make sure he was okay. Although, what had happened to him in the first place?

Oh yeah, I almost died on my kitchen floor.

"Hey, sleeping beauty woke up and I didn't even have to give her a kiss."

Tom stared with wide eyes at the two people standing over whatever bed he was sleeping in right now.

One was very obviously RDJ, and the other looked like they'd blocked a grenade with their face.

"What's going on." Tom asked slowly, glancing around at his surroundings as he tried not to stare too much at the man's face. He couldn't be rude to someone who'd obviously been through a lot, he'd die of embarrassment if that happened.

Was he in some sort of hospital room? What was this place?

"How you feeling kid? Any headaches, pains, or bad spidey feelings I should be worried about?" RDJ asked jokingly, the scarred man just staring at Tom like he'd seen a ghost.

"Um, sorry?" Tom asked, wondering if he'd heard that right. Did he just say 'spidey' feelings?

"That's not Peter."

"What do you mean it's not Peter. Look at him, everything about him is Peter." Downey argued, giving Tom a once over that left him feeling rather out of place.

Peter? Spidey feelings? Did they think he was actually Spider-man? Was Downey trying to prank him?

"No. That is not Peter Parker. That, is Tom Holland." The scarred man insisted again, Tom perking up at the mention of his actual name.

"What the hell is a Tom Holland?" Downey asked in complete confusion, Tom wondering if he should answer that question. Was he allowed to talk?

"Tom Holland as in the actor who plays Spider-man/Peter Parker in the movies. This is Peter, but it's not our Peter." Scarred man stated, taking a step back to slump into the chair behind him.


"I'm not following. You think Peter isn't Peter, and what- you just somehow managed to grab the wrong Peter while you were high tailing out of there?" Downey snarked, making Tom feel even more uncomfortable than before.

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