10P. ▬just got to New York▬

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Playlist of the Day:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTqPRojc8Y I'm going through another Fergie phase X3




Tony Stark didn't get a single word out before Peter was hugging him with all his strength, for once not having to watch his strength.

"Peter?" Stark questioned, Peter pulling away from the hug to grin up at the older man, more than happy to see Stark after being so alone for so long. Even if it had only been a few days. And really he hadn't been fully alone, he still had the alternate universe's version of Wade, and he really had felt like they were at least somewhat friends by the end of the adventure. Yet still, it was good to see so many familiar faces.

"Petey Morse coded us the dimension name and Strange finally found him~" Wade chimed, stepping out of the circle with Tom and Dr. Strange on his heels.

"That's Doctor Strange to you." Strange corrected in annoyance, Wade just sticking his tongue out at the other man in response.

"We still need our rightful bodies back, but we figured seeing as what hit me in the first place was tech related, then maybe you could figure that part out...?" Peter asked worriedly, not knowing if he was asking too much from Tony right now. 

Amalu and Stan Lee had said they weren't fully sure how the other heroes managed to get back to their right bodies from the various times they swapped. And with Peter's case being tech related he'd just figured that Tony could figure it out. But maybe he should've questioned Amalu and Stan Lee more about it? Although, they really hadn't seemed to know anything...

"I've already started working on a machine that could theoretically swap the minds of two people. I just need to run more tests and fix a couple of things before sending you two through it." Stark reassured him, looking towards Tom as well.

Tom hadn't really said that much since Peter had gotten back, although he didn't really know Tom Holland, so maybe that was just his personality. Or he could just be tired from hanging out with Wade for the past few days. That was bound to exhaust anyone. 

However, he still seemed kind of quiet and uncomfortable with everything happening. Which was understandable, seeing as he was on a completely foreign Earth, but still...

"How long will the testing and stuff take?" Peter questioned, keeping a watchful eye on Wade who was having a grand time annoying Dr. Strange. He just hoped Strange didn't do anything drastic to his boyfriend.

"I could probably come up with something by morning." Stark said, Peter not exactly confident in the way Stark had taken a small moment to think that over. 

"Something that works and won't kill us..?" Peter asked cautiously, Tom giving him an alarmed look at that sentence. 

"Probably. Just give me some time and I'll see what I can do." Stark assured, Peter giving him a dubious look at the 'probably.' "For now though we've got some guest rooms free. You can just stay over at the compound for now while I figure this out."

"What about you? You're just going to work on everything all night? Because I could stay up and help yo-" Peter started to protest, "Ah ah ah, you are going to get some actual sleep tonight. You might seriously need it tomorrow and I'm not taking any chances, so that means full nights of sleep for the both of you." Stark said, giving both Peter and Tom stern looks.

"No arguments from me." Tom said, the same awkward smile that Peter knew he himself had on his face as Tom awkwardly looked to Wade for direction. In a way, it almost made Peter jealous. He didn't want to hold any ill will against his doppelganger, but he still felt that prickling sensation of insecurity swelling up. That maybe this other version of him was the 2.0 model, new and improved, with a fancy British accent and everything.

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