6P. this is what we're made of

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Playlist of the Day:




"I spy something red." Ryan whispered, both of them trying to keep their voices down so as to not wake anyone up and bring attention to themselves.

It wouldn't be too long till they landed now, with the guesstimated arrival time being 9:15 and it currently being 8:30.

"The guy near the front's underwear." Peter whispered back with a small smile, thinking that was exactly the kind of ispy object Wade would choose. Overall Ryan Reynolds was like a saner, more chill, more sympathetic, version of Wade Wilson. Which was somewhat confusing, but between the difference in looks and the way they both spoke, Peter could tell them apart easily enough.

"Your turn." Ryan said, glancing around and most likely trying to figure out what they hadn't ' ispied' yet. To be honest, there wasn't a whole lot of choices left.

"We need a new game." Peter sighed, slumping in his chair, still not incredibly fond of the whole airplane experience. This was the fourth plane ride he'd ever been on, including the two he took with Happy and the one he'd taken to get to Vancouver. He didn't count the one he'd been on the outside of that one time. Peter did not like the weird sounds, or the turbulence, or anything about planes if he was being honest, especially considering he'd been on the outside of one as it plummetted to the ground once. The fact his parents died that way wasn't helping him much either.

Peter didn't like planes.

"What kind of game? There isn't a whole lot to play up here." Ryan pointed out, turning to look at Peter with Wade's eyes, forcing him to look away. If there was one thing between the two of them had that was the same it was the eyes.

"I don't know. We could just play 20 questions or something." Peter suggested, looking out the window to his right, very much glad that he hadn't had to sit next to any strangers this flight. The last flight he'd taken had been incredibly awkward.

"Favorite color?" Ryan asked, Peter thinking about that for a moment. He wasn't really sure honestly, he'd never given it that much thought. "Red." He eventually decided, settling on the colour that both him and Wade shared suit-wise. Although the shades of red varied drastically, but they were still both reds.

"What about you? What's yours?" Peter returned, facing Ryan again.

"Ehh, probably anything so long as it's not green." Ryan joked, Peter not really understanding whatever reference Ryan was trying to make, but smiling with him anyways.

"What's the best part about being Spider-man?" Ryan asked, careful to keep his voice low so others around them wouldn't overhear.

"The city, always. Especially when it's magic hour and you can just hang out on the top of tall buildings to watch everything go gold." Peter confessed, thinking of the times he and Wade would find ways to meet up on tall buildings and have ghetto picnics with IHOP's food and Mexican takeout.

"What's the best part about being Ryan Reynolds?" Peter questioned, somewhat curious about the man who was so like Wade and not at the same time.

"I see how it is, stealing my questions." Ryan teased, Peter rolling his eyes in faux-annoyance. "But the best part about my life would probably be my family. Two kids and my wife." Ryan said, Peter thrown off guard for a second, reminding himself once again that this wasn't Wade and naturally they wouldn't live the same. However, it was weird to think about any version of Wade having kids. Mercenary work wasn't kid-friendly, even if he didn't do that anymore. Yet, this alternate Wade wasn't a mercenary. He was an actor. He had a safe life, free of possible threats.

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