9T. i'm so sorry

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Playlist of The Day:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CEzoE6ypKs because Jimin's voice wasn't high enough 4 me.


Tom hadn't even fully stepped out of the magic orange circle before he was being hammered with rapid-fire questions. "Where were you? What happened? Are you okay? Are you bleeding?!" Wade asked, Tom noting just how worried the other man appeared to be.

He hadn't ever thought of Deadpool as one to fuss like this over somebody. He'd seen the movies and read some of the comics and always just assumed that the merc with a mouth was more self-centred, but this was a definite 'No' to that assumption.

"It's nothing, my face is fine." Tom mumbled, knowing for a fact he was going to be in big trouble for damaging Peter Parker, even if it was himself currently residing in Parker's body.

"That looks like a blade woun- Who cut you? Are they still out there? Did they hurt you anywhere else?" Wade questioned, voice too serious and hard for what Tom thought Deadpool was supposed to sound like. Where was the funny and carefree Deadpool? 

"It's okay, there was just a guy in an alleyway and he was robbing this lady so I decided to help her. I took care of the knife guy and the lady is fine now, I just got a little cut in the process. Nothing serious, it wasn't bleeding that much. It's just a small cut." Tom insisted, hesitantly looking up at the man and meeting his eyes.

"I'm sorry I put Peter in danger. And I wouldn't ever do that just for kicks, but there was a woman who needed my hel-mph." Tom let out a surprised sound as he was suddenly drawn into a tight hug.

He wasn't exactly sure why Wade was hugging him, seeing as he'd been rightfully pissed a couple seconds ago, but the change was a welcome one. After everything that had happened lately, he could use a nice hug, even if he was receiving it from an ex-mercenary who'd killed possibly thousands of people.

"No more crime fighting for you, understand?" Wade sighed above him, the height difference between them quite apparent now that they were so close.

"I promise." Tom said after a moment's hesitation, knowing if the mugger tonight had been anything more than an amateur he might've not been able to take him. As far as crime fighting went, he hadn't done bad, but he also hadn't done great and he was more than ready to leave the crime fighting to Peter.

"Just- Please be more careful." Wade said, ruffling Tom's hair as he pulled away from the hug, walking over to the living room couch that MJ was currently passed out on and plopping down beside her.

"So you managed to use the sling ring huh?" Wade asked, Tom cautiously walking further into the room as he took in more of the sight before of him. MJ on the couch with Wade, Ned completely passed out in the armchair, both of them seemingly sleeping like the dead in the dark lit room.

"I guess yeah, it wasn't too difficult honestly." Tom shrugged, still feeling somewhat awkward about- well, everything really. After all, Wade Wilson, Deadpool, had just hugged him, and he was pretty sure that was hug was meant for Peter and not himself, which was a weird feeling in itself. People were still somewhat treating him like Peter, not Tom, and he understood that they were exactly identical and all, but it was still weird. 

If Wade tried to kiss him he was going to seriously put this super strength to good use and kick Wade into whatever universe Peter was in.

"So... You're not mad anymore..?" Tom inquired carefully, sitting on the empty two-seater couch.

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