8P. •In a state of mind•

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Epic!Playlist of the Day:

I had the perfect two songs for this chapter, i had a plan, i had everything going. And then i forgot the two songs and the plan. So you guys get this EPIC orchestra remix instead.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o80aNgIHIg (((and this song is just beautiful ♥.♥


"-no, I mean-"
"-Yes I'm with.."
"-o he actually is."
"Yes sir, I understan.."
"-'s online."

Peter knew Ryan was talking, he could pick up the bits and pieces of the conversation, but he couldn't indentify exactly what he was talking about in Peter's still asleep state of mind. Was he on the phone? Who else could he be talking to? Did he have boxes like Wade?

Peter tiredly opened his eyes, squinting at the fact Ryan already had the curtains drawn back to let light in. Just in time to see Ryan hang up on whoever he'd been talking with.

"Who was that..?" Peter inquired warily, unsure if Ryan planned on leaving him here in Toronto now that they'd arrived. He didn't think Ryan would do that, but Peter still didn't know Ryan well enough to know.

"Well, young apprentice celebrity of mine, it just so happens the picture that fan took caused some problems. Mainly the fact you were supposedly in Atlanta recovering from the flu, and then were discovered to be in Toronto with me. So I've had to sort a few things out in order to keep you here." Ryan said, giving Peter a look when he mentioned the flu part.


"After some serious convincing, I managed to get you a week off for 'recovery' time. But that's all we get." Ryan said, Peter still just blinking up at him in confusion. It was too early to be processing this stuff.

"Alright, while you were asleep I went and raided a thrift shop, so go take a shower, change into some clothes, and then we'll go grab breakfast and ambush Stan Lee." Ryan stated, Peter nodding for no other reason than to show that he understood what Ryan was saying.

"Yoo~hoo? Spidey? Like right now man. Wake yourself up." Ryan persisted, snapping Peter from his train of nonexistent thought/meditation.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know- I'm just- Give me a second." Peter grumbled, throwing the covers off himself as he thought about what exactly that picture leaking meant. Was it even technically a leaked picture? They hadn't told the girl to not post it. It had just apparently gone viral or whatever. Did celebrity pictures go viral? Or did people just automatically have to know where celebrities were at all times? This was confusing and annoying and Peter could not be bothered.

"Clothes?" He questioned, looking around for the supposed raided thrift shop clothes Ryan had apparently gotten him, finding the bag as Ryan pointed to the futon near the doorway. 

The clothes themselves weren't too bad. Just from experience living with Wade, he'd pretty much been expecting hello kitty shirts size XS and some neon pink skinny jeans or something, but the simple jeans and assortment of spider-man shirts were a nice surprise. Although the Spider-man logos on some of these didn't seem like his. Maybe he'd have to add a new design plan to the prototype suit he and Ned were working on.


GUYS I JUST SAW DEADPOOL 2 AND IT WAS F#$%!ng AWESOME! Like literally, im in the theatre hallway on my phone. THAT WAS AMAZING.

But I would like to address some things before I continue with this fic. Because when i first started this fic i didnt really have an image in mind of what I wanted wade to be and kind of just building blocks'ed wades personality from nothing, i don't really plan on changing his personality or memories to fit the new film. I dont really want anyhting to change with my wade. Im happy with the AU one ive got. 

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