7T. waaalk the liiiine for thaaat

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Super awesome amazing playlist of the Day(!!!)(:




"I don't need a babysitter."

"Well, I'm certainly not leaving you by yourself in a tall building with windows. As much as I trust you to be smart and mature, I unironically trust MJ more. Therefore, MJ will be watching you while I'm gone." Wade said again, slightly more patronising this time around.

At least now he knew how Peter Parker felt. Being treated like a kid really did suck.

"Wade, even I've gotta say this is a bit over the top. He's like 20, not 12." MJ added from her spot slumped in the armchair, her phone the main object of her attention as she spoke.

"I'm 21." Tom commented, the words going unnoticed as Wade and MJ seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes again. Somehow Wade winning when MJ glanced away with a huff of annoyance.

"If you come home and the place is wrecked it's your fault, not mine." MJ replied, Wade waving her off as he collected several different weapons scattered about the apartment to stuff them into a duffle bag.

"Where are you going anyways?" Tom asked, hopping over the couch to follow around behind Wade, looking at all the rather dangerous objects going into a seemingly bottomless duffle.

"I'm going to go beat the $%#! out of the guy that shot you both in the first place, maybe get some answers out of him." Wade said, the unsaid 'And you are definitely not going with me' implied in his tone.

"Are you going to kill him..?" Tom asked awkwardly, not knowing how he'd even feel if Wade started killing people with Tom around. He could withstand a lot, but being friends with an actual serial killer was not really something he could do. Maybe Peter could do that, but Tom was pretty sure he'd vomit if he knew Wade had come back from killing someone. Although, he said he didn't do that anymore? So maybe he'd changed.

How did things go in the Spider-Man/Deadpool comics again?

"No. Even if he hurts Peter, I promised I wouldn't do that again. Stupid promises." The last two words were said under his breath, Tom getting a distinct feeling there was some backstory he didn't know about there.

"Has Tony contacted you about any advancements yet? I don't mean to be pushy or anything, but he's Tony Stark, how long exactly would it take for him to figure this out?" Tom asked uncertainly, stepping back in surprise as Wade abruptly turned, apparently having finished on his weapon Easter egg hunt.  

"No. Which is why I'm going to find this gnome. Now, you just stay here and let daddy do all the work. Just play nice with MJ for a bit till I get back." Wade said, giving a mock salute as he made his way towards the door, Tom following behind him warily.

"But what if he shoots you too? Wouldn't you be stuck in another dimension as well? This plan has way too many holes in i-" "Tom."

Tom bit his lip to keep himself from going on another tangent, not liking this straight to the action planning that was going on. Maybe he just wasn't used to superhero danger levels, but going after someone who could magically blast you into another dimension by yourself didn't exactly seem safe to him. Or even remotely logical, for that matter.

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