Chapter One

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"Fuck you."

The door was shut loudly infront of the young male's face, causing him to slightly jump in surprise.

It was his fifth roommate to ever leave him. And he just doesn't know the reason why they all keep coming and going.

He groaned, running his fingers through his hair in frustration and he sat down on his bed. Half of the room is now empty, blank and plain. Lifeless and colorless-it was quiet in the room.

Until, his phone started ringing a familiar tune; Shinee's View played in the room. It took a while before the young student answered the phone.

["Hey, Soonyoung hyung. I heard what happened, are you okay? Do you want me to come and stay the night with you?"]

Soonyoung smiled to the thought that his junior, Lee Chan, was worried about him. "It's okay, bud. I can manage. It's always like this, they always leave me-- but I'm fine! I promise."

In his mind, Soonyoung could clearly see how the younger must've rolled his eye as he lets out a sigh.

["Okay then. If you change your mind, I'm one call away, hyung."]

"Yes, yes. Thank you, Chan. Really, you're always there for me." He was a little emotional saying those words, but he was sincere about it.

["Uh, hyung. I received a call from them earlier and asked me to--"]

"I won't go."


"I'm not going. They won't believe me either way and I would just end up being an embarrassment to them. Don't tell them anything about me. I can trust you, right?" He heard the low sigh Chan let out.

["Of course hyung. Ahh, people these days, believing such rumours that are far fetched. I just don't really understand why people won't approach you and get to know the real you. They even told me to stay away from you, which I did not, I don't get why."]

Soonyoung just sighed in sadness, "Let them be. We can't please everyone. And even if we did, we all know that the world is just a massive two-faced. Admit it or not, we all are." He heard an impressed gasp from the other line.

["Talking about the world, I've got to do some stupid research now. Gosh I don't know why suffering is the worst in my last year of high school."]

Soonyoung laughed, "Don't pressure yourself too much. Just finish those and you'll soon graduate then you'll be in college, that's what you should stress about."

["I know, bye now hyung!"]

"Goodluck, bud."

The cheery farewell of Chan brought a smile to Soonyoung's face. His lips turned up, becoming thin as he watched the screen of his phone flashed into an end call screen.

A heavy breath escaped from his mouth, tapping his feet on the floor in boredom. He's forced to shut up since he's got no one to talk to. He turned his head up to look at the window where it displayed a sparkling night sky with one big white cheese glowing fully.

Soonyoung's eye caught the sight of a fast dash of white string to which he knew-it was a shooting star. He closed his eyes, brought his hands up together and just like a child, he wished.

He wished for someone to come to his life, someone who will stay with him, someone who will understand him.

Although it's the nth time since he hoped for this, although shooting stars are just burning rocks, he still begs for it everytime. Who knows, maybe he'll wake up to hear a news about it. Who knows.

He heard the door behind him closed, never had he even notice someone opened it and entered the room. Soonyoung stood up from the ground and turned around to see a familiar friend.

"Shua hyung, you're here."

Joshua smiled and placed down a plastic bag of taken out food, "I heard another news. The same one, I mean, with a different person. And, you refused to see your parents again."

Soonyoung slowly approached him then letting out a deep breath of tiredness. "I can't be moved to another room for single person but I have to endure people coming and leaving. What's up with the school? They badly want me to be alone."

Joshua just smiled, "Chan, Mingyu and I are here for you. You're not alone. It's just people who doesn't understand—"

Soonyoung's shoulder shifted in discomfort, so he interrupted and diverted the topic, "What you bought looks delicious. Shall we eat them?"

The elder male couldn't bring it up again so he just nodded, like he said nothing, like he wasn't interrupted. "Yeah. Let's eat?"

"And be full."

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