Chapter Thirteen

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"MJ, wake up." Soonyoung said, knocking his roommate's door. As he stood there, his left hand pushed against the door frame and the right arm on his hips, and also what he used to knock.

The dance major let out a tired sigh and began knocking once again. "Hey, good morning. Time to rise and shine—" His high pitched voice stopped as the door opened widely.

His small roommate, with a tired expression, stood there looking up to him while rubbing his right eye. Few seconds later, he blinked then slightly glared at his roommate. Soonyoung showed him small smile.

"Don't get mad at me. You told me last night to wake you up at 7 AM since your class is on 8." The elder said, walking to the front door. He turned around to look at the sleepy guy who he caught yawning.

"I'm not mad. Just... annoyed." Jihoon admitted.

"Sure, just annoyed. Glad to know you had sweet dreams then." Soonyoung rolled his eyes, "Gotta go now, MJ. I have a class in 20 minutes." He said and opened the door.

As he was about to close it, Jihoon stopped him with a question, "Hey uh, MK, can we have lunch together later?"

Fuck, Soonyoung thought. He could feel a lump of saliva struggling to go down his throat as his heart started pulsating in uneasiness. He can't let the people think he's tainting the new student— he shouldn't be seen around this student at all.

"I'm not sure, my friends and I already planned something. I'm sorry, but we can talk about it later here in the dorm." His teeth gritted in lie.

Jihoon just hummed in response. He looked at Soonyoung, and with a little pout, waved his hand to bid goodbye. The taller then mumbled 'bye' then closed the door, running off to his first class.

Soonyoung hated how the school placed him on the top floor where none of the rooms were occupied except his, then proceed to also be in a room quite futher away from the stairs. He took hasty steps on the way down, rushing to the CPA Department.

To think about it, Soonyoung never got to know his roommate's course and major, let alone, his full schedule. Although they had dinner together at the dorm last night, it was more of them talking about random topics and school tips on how to survive the university.

Then he realized, something just in time before he enters his first class.

Does his roommate know about the rumours?

Slowly, he felt anxiety creeping up his heart as if it teases it onto devouring. His thoughts added more questions as he infer how will everything turn out to be later. He felt fear and disappointment once again. Then he snapped out of it. Soonyoung let out a deep breath, telling himself he'll deal with it later.

The noisy classroom was replaced with a complete silence the moment Soonyoung stepped in. The others looked away as much as they can while some are silently staring at him, with a pinch of disgust thrown. It was normal for him anyways. Everyday, every time he comes in, it's always a repeated scenario.

He mentally sighed then walked to his seat, simultaneously, the bell had rang the moment he placed his hands on the desk. To point out too, everyone had their deskmate except him, who sat alone. It was normal for him, anyways. For almost 4 years, he never complained anymore.

During the class, teachers really like to pick on him, thinking of ways to embarrass the guy but it backfires. Because for such a long time, it always happened, Soonyoung already knew it and had always studied their lessons ahead. Making the teachers embarrassed rather than himself.

They always try but always fail.

This at least gives Soonyoung a small amusement, as he pulls out a smirk everytime he proved them wrong. The only thing he can't avoid is after the bell rings to end their class, they would usually ask him to stay as he watch all his classmates walk out, making him to always be the last to go out.

Sometimes, it really affects his time for the next class. Although, it's seldom, he does attend it late, leading to more detention hours. His past roommates would already be asleep once he arrives at the dorm. But if they are still awake, he'd only receive a look of fear. He can't do anything about it anymore since his parents, or anyone in his family possibly have already forgotten about him.

They used to send him cash before the incident happened but now, as if he was sent away purposely, they gave him his debit card with savings which honestly, helpful at first. Soonyoung is a scholar, luckily, and he goes to a part time work twice a week to provide money for his necessities.

As he finished switching his stuff on the lockers, Soonyoung went his way to the 3rd floor, where his next class was. The moment he reached the stairs, a familiar face met his sight and brought a smile in his mind.

"Soonyoung-ie, nice to see you again."

The only problem was that there were a lot of the students around him, the students he used to see everyday, the ones who whispers and gossips. But ignoring Jeonghan would make more enemies rather than avoid problems.

So, he decided to greet back. "Good morning, Jeonghan sunbaenim. Nice to see you too." He said with a respectful bow.

It wasn't that Soonyoung regrets his choice on not ignoring the senior but Jeonghan's reply to him instantly gave a signal that he is fucked up in two ways.

"Wanna have lunch later together?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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