Chapter Three

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"Huh? Someone's going to transfer in on the second semester? Like next month?"

Soonyoung's voice was filled with much disbelief as his face were, but only said so in a hushed tone. A lunch with friends isn't always that easy, even when there weren't a lot of people in the cafeteria they dine in, it was difficult with people whose got knives as tongue and darts as eyes.

Mingyu, a friend in the same year, nodded in response, "Same year with us and maybe Major in Music? Yeah, that's all I heard."

The eldest of the group who was in 2nd year, Joshua slowly placed his chopsticks down and frowned, "And the school is yet again letting in a student who didn't start his first year here, especially if they aren't here in the first semester. Didn't they already made it clear they won't accept students to transfer in if not first year?"

Mingyu tapped his fingers on the table then hummed his thoughts, "Maybe they're considering Music Major students?"

The elder shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe because our department has the least number of students and they just need more money. Nursing and Medicine is always full though." He took a bite on a piece of meat.

Soonyoung sighed, "And if they turn out to be my new roommate, I don't know anymore. Should I still try to approach them?"

Joshua swept his younger friend's back and sighed, "Just try again, okay?"

Soonyoung dropped all his shoulders, "Tired of trying. I'm already okay with you two and Chan being there for me."

The conversation he started ended there by himself. Jishua and Mingyu looked at each other— which didn't go unnoticed by Soonyoung— and shared a look of concern. It was better not to tamper with the man's short temper.

They continued eating their lunch, chatting and soon finished. They grabbed (bought) some yogurt milk cartons and left the cafeteria, having their way to the hallway of lockers to grab some stuff for the next class.

Of course, compared to the desolate eatery, the corridor was filled with students.

The stares— the chilling gazes of every student they passed by pointed down to one person, Soonyoung, who walked behind his two friends, isolated and alone. Yet he held his head up high, with pride and confidence that can't be fazed— a facade, or perhaps his immunity all to blame. But what building cannot fall apart, even Ryōunkaku was in ruins after the Great Kanto earthquake, and Soonyoung's image was easily shaken when a strong force pulled him to the front.

"The fu—"

"You're too self-centered, share the attention." Joshua ruffled his hair.


Mingyu screamed, "Okay!" he grinned, "Let's go to the internet cafe after school. Unless some of us has night classes."

Joshua teased him, "Who's got a 6pm class again?"

Soonyoung rolled his eyes and laughed, "It's me," he sighs, "after this period, I have 3 hours no class then two periods until 6pm.

The oldest looked at him, tilting his head and asked, "Do you want us to wait for you?"

"No, it's okay. You guys go ahead and I'll text you when I'm done. We'll have our dinner together, then."

"Hear that, Shua hyung? We'll go together to have our dinner. We'll wait for him."

Soonyoung groaned loudly in frustration yet he can't deny that he appreciated his friends' consideration for him. Always.

And the bell rang, the three had part their ways to different rooms. Soonyoung took his steps on the stairs while Mingyu and Joshua are walking opposite directions of each other's paths. It was miserable— his only friends are from different courses. Yet it was better then having none.

Lots of students were rushing to their respective classes but Soonyoung was chill, walking moderately just like the other students.

Then came to his mind a thought— the school doesn't care about him.

Everyone's already afraid of him and even the worst troubles never lead him to the detention room. Taking advantage of their fear for his happiness. How good is it to do something bad?

Soonyoung's feet were about to hit that perfect sharp turn when he gave it a secomd thought.

No, he shouldn't do something like that. He needs to prove himself to everyone that he is approachable and good person. So, he entered his class, the room half empty and silence came in with him. Sigh it away, shoulders drop.

An everyday scenario.


"Okay, class dismissed."

Everyone in the room stood up after the professor sat down on her desk, pulling her eyeglasses down for it won't be of use anymore. All the students had left in pairs and groups but Soonyoung remained seated on his desk, as if he was waiting for something. And when the last person was out, he stood up and walked over to the teacher.

Soonyoung breathed out, "Excuse me, Ma'am. May I ask something?"

"Like what? Is weed bad for your health?" the professor let out an awkward chuckle after sensing his nonchalance, "Aw, I'm just kidding. What is it?"

The male student asked right away, "Is it really a requirement to join any club that's related to my major? Doesn't it sounds like a waste of time?"

She shurgged in reponse, "I don't see anything that will waste your time in clubs. What wasting time is when you go into alleyways and sell drugs, that can also waste away your future."

Just great. She really pressed a button there. Soonyoung's expression can't be read at how disfigured it was, he could feel a vein popping on his forehead and throat. He could really need a cheek to satisfy his knuckles right now. This—

The woman then faked a cough, "You don't necessarily need to join anything related to your major. I suggest, you join clubs related to which part of major is your weakness. I have observe your performances in presentation doesn't look good. What about the theatre club, hmm?"

Soonyoung grunted, "That was a better explanation," he couldn't even bat an eye on her, "next time, keep that mouth shut if it's just to insult others."

When the professor was about to retort, he saw how she ate her words and gave him a smile— if he was right, her lips twitched— then muttered, "Right. Same to you too, Mr. Kwon. I hope—"

"I'm dismissed." Soonyoung started walking away with apathy in his shoulders. That was a waste of time— next time, he wouldn't even dare go near some professionals again.

"Now, where to go..." Soonyoung whispers to himself, tapping his impatient feet on the marble floor. He then smiled at the thought of having his 3 hours break.

"Out of school it is."

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