Chapter Nine

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"Kwon Soonyoung."

The said guy let out a deep breath then looked behind him to see a familiar fella. He slowly shook his head with a smirk, "Well isn't it you, Choi Seungcheol. What do you need from me, hm?"

The other man, named Seungcheol, chuckled. "Just wondering why are you in the school grounds. We still have tomorrow until the classes resume for 2nd Semester."

Soonyoung continued walking with this schoolmate of his, trailing behind him. "I have been tasked to clean around the campus as a punishment for my deeds last year."

The other snorted, "Oh that time when you sliced a student's finger?" He asked, with a smirk.

The younger sighed, "If you have nothing good to say, can you please get lost? Why are you even here anyways?"

"Oh, the admin called me about my new roommate."

Coincidentally, the administration also called him to talk about his new roommate, then so does Seungcheol. Does that mean they will be the new roommates?

Soonyoung lifted his head up, eyeing Seungcheol intensely.

Creeped out by the sudden move, Seungcheol backed away. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Soonyoung then just rolled his eyes, "Nothing. The admin's still not around. You might wanna sit down and wait for a while. Gotta do my task."

And just like that, Soonyoung left the other as he walked away and to the direction of the school garden.

Choi Seungcheol is a frenemy he had around the campus grounds. In everyone's eyes, the two were very similar in attitude. Both of them always lose their roommates and for once, they did became roommates not until Seungcheol also switched room. From then on, only hatred was what kept the two interacting.

Once in his free time, Soonyoung was invited to the cooking class to be a special guest since most knew back then that he could cook well, along with his best friends, Mingyu and Joshua. But things took a different turn that day as his uncontrollable annoyance to one junior made him slam the knife on the chopping board, accidentally slicing off halfway a fingertip of one cooking class student.

It was horrible.

Soonyoung vividly remember how he lost all his other friends, kicked out from the baking club and worst of all, his family saw him as a disgrace. He vividly remember that after his 2 months suspension, he had nothing to turn onto. He vividly remember the feeling of an Abyss darkness that crept into his mind and life, devouring every inch of his sanity.

Until the two, his only two best friends opened their minds and arms for him, they tried to understand him and educated him, helped him to control emotions since then.

Of course, they were Mingyu and Joshua.

Then Chan came along, and on his first year, Soonyoung was the one he approached first since the guy looked friendly.

Soonyoung vividly remember the pain to open up his past to the younger, who unlike the others, did not push him away. They didn't care about the rumours, he asked them not to defend him anymore since it was no use. The three had always been there for him. And ever since then, he has never been so thankful for his friends.

"Excuse me."

He stopped sweeping the dried leaves, wiped a sweat on his forehead then looked up to the person who spoke. "Yes? May I help you?" Soonyoung asked them.

"I'm kinda lost. May I know where is the admin's office? I'm a transfer student here from Japan."

Soonyoung then blinked twice upon realizing that the guy infront of him was very familiar. The eyes, the nose, the lips and his hair. He just couldn't think of the guy's name. Where has he ever seen this familiar face?

"Uhh, do you know the directions?"

Soonyoung snapped back to reality and nodded, "Its right over that building, go to the stairs on your right as you enter and the door on the end of the corridor. The administrator is still on the way so I suggest you may wait on the middle ground first where there are benches."

The man smiled, "Thank you so much. Have a blessed day sir." He said in a cheerful voice, which made Soonyoung's heart melt. Hopefully, the rumours won't change this student's way of communicating to him.

"No problem, have a great day too."

And that, the man gad left to walk into the building and Soonyoung continuing his task, finally in a good mood.


"You did a great service and therefore, this replenishment of yours will end on last week of November rather than the end of the year."

It was like a sweet melody to Soonyoung's ears as the admin looked at him with no more anger and fear on his eyes, instead, proud and faith was what he felt.

He bowed so many times, muttering a thank you all over again. "Sit down, Kwon. I still have one more note for you." And so he obeyed.

"We have made a school policy to not allow switching of rooms anymore so I hope you behave well this time. It's not a new student but they will be moving here to the school. Please do take care of this student and keep them company at all times." The admin told him with a strict glare thrown at him.

The student then just nodded at the admin with a smile, which is quite a schock for the admin since the boy never smiled even just for a second around the school. He was sure he made a right choice.

Or so he thought.

For Soonyoung knew he was screwed. His last year of highschool with the roommates thingy was the worst since he wasn't much of a person who cared for someone he isn't comfortable with. But he's in first year college now, he should be more mature and hold the responsibility given to him. Right?

He just bowed and said his goodbyes, walking out of the administration room and down the stairs, back to his task on cleaning the school grounds.

In the middle of his business, he thought about the guy he met earlier. Somehow, he really felt familiar to him. The voice was something he knew he's heard of somewhwre. The face, the hair, Soonyoung just can't figure out when.

But the time he stood up from cutting the bushes, he spotted the same guy. He slowly drop the tool and walked slowly to the new student. As soon as he finally was close enough, he spoke. "Excuse me, sir."

The student was sure shocked as Soonyoung spoke in Japanese. "Oh, you're the one who helped me earlier, right? Is there something wrong?" He replied to him with a sweet, familiar smile.

"Ah, no. Nothing wrong at all. If it's okay, can I ask for your name?" Soonyoung asked shyly which made the other student giggle. "Hmm, is there any reason you wanna know my name?"

"Truthfully, I just feel like you're someone familiar so maybe asking for your name might ring a bell." Soonyoung responded, scratching the back of his head.

"Does K. Edward sound familiar to you?"

With a silent gasp, Soonyoung then finally remembered the person infront of him. "Jeonghan, right?"

The said Jeonghan smiled and nodded. "So you caught my name tag then. I'm Yoon Jeonghan."

Somehow, the smile made Soonyoung do the same to him too.

"I'm Kwon Soonyoung from BPA, dance major, still on first year though."

Jeonghan widen his eyes, "Oh I'm already on 2nd year on BSA. I'm older than you then." He said in a cheery voice.

"Shall I call you senpai or sunbaenim?" Soonyoung asked, making the older one giggle.

"Just call me hyung." Jeonghan answered, finally talking in their local language. Soonyoung smiled at him and felt somewhat happy.

Hopefully, the rumours won't destroy this new friendship he is interested in. Hopefully, Jeonghan will still believe in him. Hopefully, he has a good heart and mind to understand.

"Okay, see you next week then, Jeonghan hyung."

"See you too, Soonyoung-ie."

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