Chapter Seven

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"What? Why didn't you ask for his name?"

Joshua asked in shocked. Mingyu and Chan nodded to the oldest's question.

Soonyoung just shrugged his shoulders as he took in another spoonful of their dinner. "He's been stuck in my mind since earlier. I'm kinda forgetting the face and besides, it's not likely we'll meet again."

His three friends sighed. "Well, what did he look like though?" Chan asked.

Soonyoung stopped chewing midway then tries to remember the face, unconsciously making him smile wide to which his friends secretly look at each other then got the signal.

"Ah, he has small face, rounded, I suppose. His skin was fair, small nose, natural pink thin lips. His soft brown hair, brushed to an open wave style. And what I liked the most, his eyes were similar to mine, only that it becomes crescent when he smiles. He looked adorable and manly at the same time." Dreamy Soonyoung described that guy he met earlier.

Mingyu chuckled and lightly hit Soonyoung's shoulder, because he was beside him. "Bro, you've made almost a whole poem for that one stranger you saw. Describe me then." He joked.

The older one rolled his eyes and just continued eating.

Joshua giggled a little, "Perhaps Chan and I know this stranger. He does fit your description, only, the last we saw him was he had a dark ash brown hair rather than light." The two looked at each other then back to Soonyoung, who just sighed.

"The only time I approached someone to be a friend was Chan and I was only introduced to the two of you by him. Honestly, I would like to find and know this guy myself." He said.

Mingyu nudged him, again, chuckling, "Don't tell me this stranger got your heart already."

Soonyoung shyly smiled, "Not really in that way. I mean, it won't hurt to have a new friend that, even if Joshua hyung and Chan knew of, I will be the one to introduce him to you." He said.

Chan then giggled, "Make sure you introduce him as a friend, not boyfriend."

"Who knows, it might already be a husband." Mingyu teased him, nudging his shoulder once again which annoyed the older one.

"I don't rush anything, you know that."

All of them were comfortable of the talk since they all knew each other, in terms of sexuality, they are honestly unlabelled but open minded.

"So, who's paying 50% tonight and who's not?" Chan asked as he chewed on another piece of meat.

Joshua stopped for a while then proceeded to add, "Who lost in the Red Ginger game again?"

The other two tried to think about it then fortunately, Mingyu remembered. "Joshua will pay 50%. Soonyoung and I will pay the other 50% but in half."

This brought a huge smile to the youngest's face, "Lucky me~" He sung.

Joshua sighed, "How much is the total?" Neither of them knew so they just shrugged their shoulders. "Soonyoung, ask for the bill."

"Let's wait for that guy." He said, looking at the waiter who was busy entertaining a family.

Then, Soonyoung noticed something. He immediately covered the lower half of his face with a smile behind it.

"He's here." He mumbled.

Mingyu looked at him then to the direction he was looking at. "Oh, he's the one you're talking about?" He asked teasingly stitting the other two into curiosity.

"What do you mean? He's here?"

"The guy he saw earlier? Where?"

"Ah, I'm not quite sure. But I remember he looked kinda like that guy." He said, taking a quick glance at the table but his friends still didn't catch the exact table.

Joshua frowned, "Which table?" He asked, polite and demanding simultaneously.

"That one with a family of two sons, a dad, a mom and a grandmother."

The three quickly turned their heads to find the table and when their eyes laid on the matching description. They immediately spotted the guy Soonyoung was talking about. He was right, small rounded face, small nose, eyes were similar to his and thin lips.

"Definitely not someone Joshua hyung and I knew but that guy does fit your description, perfectly. Huh, you really caught all important features." Chan said, who was amazed how exactly the guy he imagined really looked like the real one. They all faced each other again.

"So do you want to go and ask his name?"

Soonyoung's ears tinted cherries as he buried his face with his palms, "That's such a direct thing to do." He whispered.

Joshua smile teasingly, "Oh gosh, our Soonyoungie is blushing."

"It's because of embarrassment of course!" The younger defended himself.

Chan chuckled then slowly sighed, "If Mingyu and I finished our food before you can even ask for his name, we're leaving." Evily he teased as he took another bite of the meat.

Then finally, the waiter was free and luckily is on the way to pass right by them so Soonyoung called him. "Uhm excuse me sir, can we get the bill?"


"And..." Soonyoung stopped and look at the table where the guy he met earlier was sitting now. "Not in a bad intention but will you please give this to that small guy in table 7?"

"Sorry sir but my job—"

"I'm giving you times three of the regular tip. Don't tell anyone." His friends gasped airlessly, but not dramatically.

Soonyoung gave the paper to the open hand of the waiter, who nodded and bowed his head a little then walked back to the counter.

"What was in the paper?" Joshua asked the younger.

Soonyoung just smiled and shrugged, "Something you should be curious of until the end of the year. Anyways, finish up your meals. I'm not getting caught by him."

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