Chapter Ten

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"Room 1522."

First day of 2nd Semester and Jihoon's first day going to the university, physically. Once he got his room number, he walked his way to the boys' dormitory, which Seokmin pointed out to him since he had to attend early classes.

Jihoon is, unfortunately, alone.

Alone, it wasn't like its the first time for Jihoon. All he has to do is act normal and walk up to find his dorm room. All he was told is that there are only two of them in the room as other dormitories have 5-8 people in. He then thought, maybe it's better.

He doesn't have to socialize to a lot of people, it's just one human being and- Jihoon then mentally groaned. "Why can't I just be alone or with Seokmim atleast, damn it." He mumbled under his breath.

On his way, he passed by some groups of guys and of course, would see the athletic ones. He is now on the third floor and the first room number he saw was 1300. Then he concluded, there are a hundred rooms per floor and his room is unluckily on the highest floor, the fifth floor.

Why are there no elevators around?

Jihoon was glad that his stuffs (which where in boxes) are already sent since yesterday so he had no problem carrying anything around while looking for his room.

His first class is in 2 hours and he needs to do a lot of unpacking but it looks like nothing is being cooperative in his day. Finally, he reached 4th floor but at this point, he was almost dead exhausted.

How unlucky did he get to be in 5th floor plus having 6 AM classes on Tuesday to Thursday?

Jihoon breathed heavily, controlling the pattern to relax himself. "It's okay, I can do this. Juat take deep breaths and get to the fucking fifth floor."

He knew he probably sounded and looked like a maniac.

He took the steps then finally, the final step on the stairs and he reached fifth floor. It was silent. Nothing but the birds chiripping and muffled voices of the boy students from the lower floors was a setting music.

To the left hallway, Jihoon observed as the room numbers started at 1500 and to the left, it was already 1550.

With the obvious choice, he made his way deeper into the hallway, pass the corner as the echoes of his footsteps accompanied him. With the keys on his right pocket, he pulled them out exactly as he was facing the door where the number 1522 displayed.

Jihoon wondered for a while, bitting his lower lip in nervousness. He was about to push the key into the knob but his hand hesitated and his arms dropped. With the free hand, he curled his fist then knocked softly.

Still shaking, he finally inserted the keys and with the sound of a single click, he gulped. Jihoon turned the doorknob as the door politely opened.

There was no one.

"Maybe he's in his class already?" He told himself as he closed the door behind him.

Clearly there were two doors on each sides, across the front door is a medium window and a free space in the middle where there was a couch and coffee table.

He looked to the left door which had a sign on the side. Carved on the dark wood with golden text, it read '권 순 영', to which Jihoon guessed, his roommate's name.

To the right, there was an empty sign holder and so he knew, it was his. He got the second key from the same keychain then entered his room.


Jihoon placed both his hands on his waist, staring at the plain white room of his. Just by thinking about it, he now lives on his own. His roommate may be there but he knew he can be independent enough. He them pouted his lips whilst thinking about his to do list and schedule.

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