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"It just dawned on me that we don't even know each other's names!" Taehyung smacked his forehead in realization, a look of shock plastered on his features. Jungkook laughed at the boy's actions, fiddling with his thumbs as he was still quite nervous.

"Jeon Jungkook." The boy shyly stated, taking a sip of his banana milk. It was strange yet very convenient that Taehyung had his crushe's favourite drink just lying around.

"Kim Taehyung, or better yet, your future husband." He smirked, pleased at the sight of the embarrassed boy in front of him. Tae's flirty nature was back in action and it didn't seem like he would hold back. "Age?"

"I just recently turned 21." Jungkook answered, smiling sweetly at the boy whose heart felt like it would explode.

"Oh thank god that you're legal. I didn't want to get chased by the cops for being with a minor." Taehyung falsely put a hand over his heart, acting overly relived to seem like he cared in the first place.

"Since when were we together?" The younger giggled at the older, ruffling his hair with his hands.

"Since i said i wanted you in my bed, duh." Taehyung chuckled at how red the younger had gotten at such words. To be fair, Jungkook had never even had his first kiss so it was pretty understandable that he would be shy about these topics.

"How should i know that you actually mean what you say?" Jungkook instantly regretted his choice of words, slapping a hand over his mouth as if that was going to stop Taehyung from hearing the question.

But Taehyung just smirked, his eyes hooded as he stared at the younger.

"Then i'll have to prove my feelings," his posture suddenly became straight, a goofy smile on his face, "only if you let me." He gave the younger a thumbs up. Jungkook felt at ease by how Taehyung took that question so well.

"I mean, i wouldn't mind...." Jungkook hoped that he mumbled quietly enough so that it only came out as gibberish, but Taehyung heard nonetheless. A playful smirk layed on his lips as he rose a brow up in curiosity.

"You seem shy-er in real life than when you write those letters." He chuckled, placing a hand on the younger's cheek as he moved closer to him, a genuine smile placed on his lips. Jungkook seemed to ease at his touch, a sly smile spreading across his lips as he closed his eyes, enjoying the moment they were having.

Taehyung bit his lips as he stared at Jungkook's delicious looking lips, his thirst for the boy growing, but he didn't want to scare him off so soon, so he remained calm.

"You look really cute like this." Jungkook's eyes shot open at the sudden compliment from the older, but calmed down as he saw the softness in the older's eyes. He hid his face in his hands as he giggled, the older becoming very tempted to shower the younger in endless kisses. 

Taehyung removed his hands from the boys cheek, which displeased the younger, but was quick to take both of Jungkook's hands into his own, rubbing small circles atop of them.

"What are you studying?" Taehyung asked the first question that popped into his mind to avoid an awkward silence that was digging its way up from nowhere.

"Music. I want to become a singer." Jungkook's voice was soft as he spoke, a calmness in his tone which could put the older at ease anytime he was feeling angered.

"So that's why you're so good at rhyming." Taehyung giggled. "I'm actually studying music too. Which college do you go to?"

"S.M.C." Taehyung's eyes widened with excitement.

"I go there too!"


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