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"Remind me why I'm here again?" Jungkook questioned nonchalantly, yellow and white packaging catching his eye as they walked pass the milk isle, Jungkook stopping abruptly to grab three small boxes of banana milk.

They've been in the supermarket for a long time and Jungkook's feet started hurting for standing so long without sitting down.

"That's the sixth time you've asked! And i already told you! It's a date." Taehyung showed his box smile as he stopped and proceeded to form a big heart with his arms in the air while the tip of his fingers touched the top of his head. Jungkook laughed while blushing at the action.

"You say that every time we hang out." Jungkook pointed out, placing the milk in the cart along with Taehyung's food and drinks.

"That's so that i know when i'll get permission to shove my tower in you." Taehyung smirked, his back turned at the younger, who felt his cheeks burn with embarremsemt, but proceeded to play along this time.

"And after that?" Jungkook asked, a sudden strike of confidence knocking down the pins of shyness.

"I'll take a bath filled with spaghetti." The sudden stupid idea coming to mind as they passed a shelf filled with pasta. Jungkook first made a confused face before he started laughing loudly, placing his hands on his knees as tears rolled down bright pink cheeks, Taehyung laughing along with him.

"I just thought of the spaghet meme." He wheezed out. "And that made it ten times better." Taehyung let out a loud laugh as he got the reference, both boys were now a laughing mess.


"How come you're such a mess?" Jungkook frowned as he watched the frantic boy continue to rummage through his house to find his things so that the two could go to school.

Even though they would end up being a couple of minutes late, Jungkook didn't mind. He was with Taehyung and that was enough for him to be content with his decision.

"Because god was probably drunk while making my personality and traits!" Taehyung told the boy as he quickly put on his shoes, Jungkook already walking out and down the stairs with Taehyung's backpack while Taehyung was busy locking the door.


"Maybe we should stop here?" Jungkook suggested, looking at the boy next to him, his eyes still weren't able to comprehend the beauty he was seeing everyday. Taehyung stopped to look at the arcade, a sheepish smile spreading across his face.

"About that...." He laughed awkwardly. "I kinda got kicked out." He scratched the back of his neck, looking at Jungkook with apologetic eyes.

"Do i even want to know what happened?" Jungkook asked, squinting his eyes. He was curious about what happened, but knowing Tae, it was probably something stupid and random.

"I broke the pin ball machine." Taehyung admitted with a straight face, Jungkook cracking a smile as he continued walking down the street with Tae trailing closely behind.


Jungkook was waiting outside of a convenience store, Taehyung taking his sweet time inside. Jungkook leaned against the wall of the structure, looking up at the stars, his hands in his pockets. They had spent the whole day together, laughing, eating and talking. Taehyung wanted to grab some things before they went home, hence why they're here.

"Jungkook!" A voice called out to him, his head snapping towards the direction where the noise came from. He saw blonde hair bouncing up and down as a smiling boy skipped towards his friend.

"Jimin." Jungkook smiled, extending his arms out to hug the shorter male. Jimin put his arms around Jungkook's waist and tightly hugged him, Jungkook returning the action.

"Whatcha doin' here?" Jimin asked, letting go of his friend. Jungkook shrugged and leaned back on the wall.

"Waiting for Tae." Jungkook answered, blushing as Jimin gasped with excitement.

"Is that the guy you've been talking about everyday in class?" Jimin asked rather loudly, Jungkook shutting him up as best he could, scared that Taehyung would hear this. It would lead to endless teasing.

"Hey?" A deep voice snapped the two of them out of their conversation, Jungkook wearing a shocked expression while Jimin smiled widely.

"Wow he really is as handsome as you say Jungkook." Jimin laughed while Jungkook sunk in his place, Taehyung standing there confused.


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