Chapter 1

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(Wes's POV)

"Hey Babe! Can we go to the beach?" Lilly asked in a sweet voice.
"Of course baby." I replied kissing her head.
Me and Lilly just walked and talked. It was actually pretty relaxing! As we were walking we saw this family trying to teach this little girl how to surf. I can't wait to start a new family like that with Lilly. My legs were getting tired so me and Lilly sat down and watched the little girl learn to surf.
I couldn't make out any faces but it's whatever. I'm actually surprised nobody has asked for a picture or autograph. Ever since I've been going out with Lilly I have gotten more into the music business with Keats. Drew dropped out to go solo but we promised to still chill a lot! Keaton is at home right now, he still lives with us, he recently just got out of a relationship and got kicked out of the house he was staying at. I felt really bad so I agreed to let him stay with us again. We have enough room. And me? I still live in the same house as I did when Maddie was here. I never really got over her. It was my fault though. I shouldn't have cheated on her, it was a dick move.
We watched the little girl fall a couple times but she got right back up and tried again. Reminds me of Katie. She never gave up. The little girl looked so worn out. The family slowly made their way back to the beach and laid there. Me and Lilly finally decided to go back home. It was getting pretty late.
As we were getting up, that little girl was running from her mom because her mom was chasing her, but as she was running the little girl wasn't looking and accidentally ran Ito my legs.
"I'm so sorry sir! I wasn't paying any attention and I-" she paused when she saw who I was. Here we go, I thought I could have made it a whole day without someone asking for an autograph, I mean I don't have a problem with it, just it- "Dad?" The little girl said cutting me out of my thoughts.
"Is it really you?" She said getting teary eyed. It was her. Katie. She was so beautiful! She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and her hair was straight like mine.
"K-Katie?" I asked, I couldn't believe it was her. Before I could say anything else she hugged me.
"Katie come on you can't hug random strangers, that's not polite. And we have to get home to cook- Wes?" I looked up and the blonde standing in front of me. She was blonde with blonde hair and brown eyes.
"Maddie?" I got out surprisingly. Maddie looked up at Lilly and back at me. Her eyes showed no emotion and neither did her face.
"W-Wes. Who is this?" Lilly spoke up pointing towards Katie. She clearly knew who Maddie was.
"M-my d-daughter, Katie." I said looking down at her. I looked at Lilly and her face shown anger.
"I didn't think I would ever see her again!" I said back. Lilly liked at Maddie, but that look turned into a glare.
"Woah. How did you not know he had kids?!" Maddie said frustrated.
"Uh, well let's see cause the words never came out of his mouth!" Lilly snapped back at Maddie.
"Lilly enough." I cut in. I could see where this would lead.
"Wes, what happened to Noah?!" Maddy said angrily.
"Well... I kind of sold him?" I said ready for the pain of her punching me in the face and everywhere else. I felt her foot collide with my balls and then her fist collide with my face. Her boyfriend pulled her off of me but she was still thrashing and trying to punch me. Damn she punches like a boy!
"What the hell?! How could do that?!" She cried. I told her about how when she left I got into drugs and Appearentally sold him to some guy. I was high and didn't know what I was doing. I felt really bad after telling her. All I saw was her fall to the sand. She had her head in her hands and she was sobbing. I felt so bad. I just wanted to pick her up and cuddle with her. Protect her. Feel her heartbeat against mine. Now because of me we only have one kid. Well she has one kid because I doubt she will ever want to talk to me again now. But i guess that's what I get. I shouldn't have done it but drugs were the only thing keeping my mind off of her. I tried getting him back but he wouldn't let me. I tried everything. And then I met Lilly afterwards. And she helped me get out of my drug addiction.
"I'm Taylor, it's nice to um, meet you." The guy holding her said. I shook his hand and introduced myself. "Wes" was all I said.
"Wes let's go. Let's leave this bitch here and go home." Before I could say anything else Lilly was dragging me away them.
"Lilly what the hell is your problem?!" I asked.
"What problem? There isn't a privies with me. It's probably just the fact that the girl I hated in high school just showed up with YOUR kid that you never told me about. Maybe YOUR the problem in this situation." She yelled.
"Listen. Lilly I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't expect to see Maddie again and I especially didn't expect to see Katie. And about Noah. I sold him. I tried to get him back but they said no. I kept trying but nothing happened. You saved me from doing that again and you saved my life. I love you so much and I wouldn't want to change anything. I love you."
"I love you too" she said bringing me upstairs to the bed.

A/N: so this is the first chapter of this story. Second story. Related to Is It Love. If you want me to keep doing long chapters like to some then just vote. If I get 10 votes I'll keep doing long chapters! Tysm!


Won't Love You Again (sequel to is it love)Where stories live. Discover now