Chapter 3

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(Maddie's POV)

I woke up and remembered what had happened last night. It was amazing. Keaton wasn't even small!

Me and Keaton were tangled up laying on his bed. I traced his 6 pack, which has gotten much bigger. I smiled just thinking that this could be the start of something new. A new life, a new chapter. A new me. And just as I was thinking all these things my old life barged through the door. Literally. Wesley barged through the door, looking extremely pissed too.

"What the hell is your fucking problem?! " Wes shouts at me, waking Keaton up.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about okay? You are sleeping with my younger brother. You know he's younger than you! I can't believe that you slept with him!" Wes yelled frustrated.

"Maybe because he is the only one that is there for me anymore!" I yelled back getting mad.

"What do you mean? How? If anything I've been there!" He yelled.

"Well, firstly he didn't put me in a freaking hospital!" I yelled tearing up but I'm too strong to let the tears fall.

"You did that to yourself!" He yelled.

"He didn't cheat on me with my enemy! And then start dating her! He didn't sell my fucking kid because of drugs!" I yelled knowing I'm winning this argument.

"You never let me explain my story you just left! So how do you know what really went on?!" He yelled.

"Well you think your story is so good, sit down and explain." I said calmly. He walked over to the edge of the bed. By now Keaton has gotten up and walked into the other room, knowing that there is a possible chance me and Wes will make up.

"Okay so when you were gone, Lilly came over. She said we needed to talk and blah blah blah. So after talking for a while, I started missing you. A lot. But that's not why I had sex with her. I started drinking to get my mind off of you for a little bit. I had her make me a drink, and she put something in it, some type of pill. I never thought about having sex with her. The pill got me going crazy and my hormones started getting out of hand and she knew what she was doing. She took me over and we had sex. I never meant to hurt you. The last thing I would want is to hurt you. I loved you, and i still do. Like you would not believe. After you left, I went into depression. Bad depression. I started doing drugs to get my mind off of you. And drugs took me over once again. Some guy said he would give me all the drugs I needed if I would have just gave him the kid. I was a drug addict. Of course I did. So of course that's when Lilly showed back up. I needed the help. I took her hand and she helped me through it. I tried to go back and get Noah but I couldn't. He wouldn't let me. And eventually I had to give up because Noah wasn't there and I didn't know where he was. It crushed me. I didn't fall in love with Lilly. I fell in love with what she did. She helped me and I loved the fact that she did that. I missed you and she took your spot, I still don't love her and if I could break up with her for you I would in a heartbeat. I'm sorry for saying all those hurtful things, making you go to the hospital, never visiting you. I should have been there next to you supporting you trying to get you back for my mistakes! Maddie I'm sorry and I will say it over and over. I'm sorry."

By now there were tears on both of our faces. I felt terrible. I never let him explain and if he could have we wouldn't be in this situation, we would still be in a relationship! It was my fault we weren't together anymore.

"Wes I'm sorry. I should have let you explain. It's all my fault." I said. I heard sniffling and looked up at the door to see Lilly standing there.

"I'm sorry you felt that way." She said and then ran out. But Wes just sat there.

"Wes. Go get her." I whispered even though it hurt so badly to say that.

"But I don't want her anymore. I want you." He whispered back.

"You love her. Go get her Wes." I felt more tears coming.

And with that he got up.. And left.


Sorry it's short. A LOT. On my mind. Next chapter will be longer. I promise!


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