Chapter 7

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(Keaton's POV) *😏*

|| Thanks to XxSweaterWeatherxX for this idea! 💗

Anyway back to the story... ||

Wes walked back into the house with Maddy in his arms. I see they got back together. Yeah, it kinda crushed me. No, I didn't use her, I just didn't want her to think I'm actually falling for her. But I mean, I have no chance. Wes will completely take her off my hands. It will go back to her not knowing about me. And not hanging out with me anymore. I wish she would've fallen in love with me.. Not him.

(Maddy's POV)

"Hey Maddy, can I.. Mm.. Talk to you." I heard Keaton speak up.

"Um, yeah. Babe I'll be right up." I told Wesley.

Wes walked up the stairs and I sat down next to Keats. "What's up?"

"Um, so either you tell Wes or I do." He spat.

"Abouttt?" I questioned.

"Us. Sleeping around, kissing, doing couplish things. You know." He said.

"Keaton, that was nothing, I don't like you like that. You just got my mind off of Wes" I said, that was harsh.

"Oh. Well you still have to tell him. I'm giving you until 9:00, it's 8:00 now, good luck." He said getting up and going to the kitchen. Oh lord.

I walked upstairs and in to Wesley's room. He was laying on his bed playing on his phone. "Babe I need to talk to you." I sat down next to him as he sat up.

"Yeah? About?" He looked me in the eyes as he said that.

"Well, don't get mad. Just... Let me talk. And explain. So, while we were..... Split up. I hooked up with Keaton. Many times. We did couple things, I'm sorry." I spit out. I was proud of myself.

I was cut out of my thoughts by him pulling me into a hug. I was surprised but hugged back anyway. "Thank you for telling me. Now... Or never. And if prefer now." He said. I giggled but kissed him back. It was a long passionate kiss. I liked it. I felt sparks and butterflies and fireworks. It was just one amazing experience.

(Wes's POV)

After Maddy went back to sleep I walked downstairs to find Keaton. He was sitting on the couch. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HER! YOU KNEW! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I whisper yelled because she was sleeping.

"What?" He asked. Haha funny.

"You know what I'm talking about. With Maddy." I said with pure disgust.

"Have you ever thought your not the only one that likes her?! I LOVE HER! Yeah. I said it. I'm in love with YOUR girlfriend. Because I should be the one in your position. I was there. WHEN. YOU. WERENT. I was there. But all you think about is you. And her. Keaton is out if the picture now." He spat back.

"Keaton. She is mine. Okay? She might have needed you there. But just so we could figure things out. She loves me. Okay? Okay." (Hehe TFIOS)

"I'm sorry. But you don't deserve her. I do." He said and with that he walked off. Out the door. Probably to a bar. Oh well not my problem.

"Go after him." I heard a voice. Maddy. She heard that.

"No! I have no reason to." I said.

"Wesley." She used my full name. I'm in trouble. And with that I took off after him. But no matter where I checked. I couldn't find him.




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