Chapter 10

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(Maddie's POV)

It's been a month, and I've gotten a lot better. my hair surprisingly, is still there. I feel like I don't even have cancer. it feels like I'm pregnant. I'm going through all the symptoms, is it possible that I am pregnant and they got the tests wrong? Wes even says I'm doing better. and I've gained like 5lbs.. I don't think I have cancer. today is a lazy day. it's a sit at home in sweats and a shirt, hair up, nails painted, and sitting on the couch watching tv and cuddling with your amazing boyfriend.

"Wes?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he groggily answered.

"I don't think I have cancer.." I spoke what I was think about.

"Why do you think that?" he asked adjusting the way he was sitting, making my body move with his.

"Just think about it. When have you ever seen someone with cancer that doesn't lose their hair? When have you ever seen someone with cancer that doesn't lose their hair? When have you seen someone with cancer that is getting morning sickness?"

"I don't know. I've never seen someone with cancer that gains weight instead of losing it."

"it's almost like I'm pregnant. I don't feel bad, just cramps and throwing up. But I get the weird cravings."

"Maybe you are. But also maybe not. Don't get yourself thinking one thing, and have it turn out the other. Just know that their is a possibility to both. You could have cancer, or maybe they just read the results wrong and your pregnant. I'll still love you matter what happens. Don't worry baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

We sat watching: die. live. re-die. I think. or live. die. re-die. something like that. both the same thing. It's a great movie. Very action movie, and.. I'm not gonna spoil it. But yall should watch it.

(Wes's POV)

Maddie doesn't have cancer. the doctor just told me. WHAT?! this is AMAZING!

"but.." I hear the doctor speak up. "she is pregnant" he finishes.

"YAY! OH MY.. WOW! thank you dr.kate." I say excitedly.

I hang up and walk in to where Maddie has fallen asleep. how do I tell her? Does she even want a baby? What if she doesn't want the baby? What will we do? How will she react? Should I even tell her?

Instead of waking her up I grabbed my keys and got up. I don't know where I'm going but I need to think. I can go to Drew's! He always knows what to do. I walked up to his doorway, and was just about to knock when the door swung open.

"Dude I was just about to see if you wanted to hang. what's up man?" He said.

"Just things with Maddie, like you heard about her cancer?" he nodded. "Well I got a call from the doctor. And she said that they mis-understood it and that it's not cancer but she's pregnant. I don't know how she's gonna feel about it. Like what if she doesn't want to have another kid? Man Im so confused on what to do."

"Bro, just think about it this way. If she's pregnant, she's pregnant. She could go through with it, go though and put it for adoption, or of course get an abortion. But you know Maddie. think about what she would do and how her mind works. She's too.. I don't know the word.. Sensitive, and emotional. She could never abort a baby. And you know Maddie, if she's gonna go through the pain, and suffer the 9 months of pregnancy, she ISNT putting it for adoption. Think happy thoughts man. Your supposed to know this stuff." I just laughed. But it's all true.

He gave me pretty good advice. But then again, when doesn't he? We caught up on some things. Just his love life crashed and burned and he wants to become Ghandi. The usual conversation with Drew. It was nice just getting to hang with him. You know? Just hanging out with your best-

I couldn't think anymore. I don't know what's happening. Why can't I think anymore? Why couldn't I finish my sentence? What was happening?

A/N: What do you think happened? Could he have had a heart attack? What's wrong with Wes?


Won't Love You Again (sequel to is it love)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt