Chapter 6

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(Maddie's POV)

"Kathryn." (Sorry idk if I spelled it right?) Drew's girlfriend said.

"Oh, well you probably know my name but I'm Madison, Maddie for short. (Maddy, Maddie same thing.)

"Nice to finally meet you." She said.

"You too! We should hang out sometime!" I said.

"Now?" She replied smiling.

"Sure!" I said grabbing my keys and heading out the door with her following behind.


"Soooo, how are you and Wes?" Kathryn asked as we sat down to eat.

"I don't know." I said chuckling a little bit.

"Well, do you love him?" She asked.

"Never stopped actually." I said smiling wide.

"Do you think you will forgive him?" She asked smiling too.

"Honestly, no. But I might have to. It is dumb to keep a grudge on him for this long. I mean yeah he cheated on me, but I can't hate him forever. It's the past, and I can't hate him forever. But I can hate him for taking Lilly on that Bahamas trip that I was supposed to go on." I laughed and so did she.

"I think you should think about forgiving him. I mean.. He's trying his best to be there for you and get you back, and you have to accept him or at least be grateful for that." She said. Ugh I realize that.

"I think I will." I said. Me and her have become extremely close this past 4 hours of shopping and laughing. She knows everything about me. Literally from my mom to my dad to now.

"I know you will." She smirked. Ugh I hate when she is right.

"Whelp. Let's head home so you can get your man back!" She said getting up and throwing our trash away.

The ride home was fun. We turned the music up and jammed. We sang horribly and laughed. It was amazing. I finally made a best friend. Well other than Brooke, which we don't talk anymore.

Once I walked in the door I saw Wes, Keats, and Drew playing COD. They are about to get their butt whooped by me. They don't know I can play so what I'm gonna do is hustle them. That's how you earn some money! "Hey can I play?" I asked.

"Your a girl. Girls can't play Call Of Duty." Drew protested. Bitch.

"Pleaseeee!" I have a puppy dog face. Nobody can resist the puppy dog face.

"Fine." Drew said.

After a few games I decided I would finally do this. "Why don't we put some money in this. If I lose, I pay each $40. If y'all lose y'all each pay me $40."

"No WAY! I can't take your money like that." Wes smirked. He already knew I could play. He knew exactly what I was doing.

"I'm in! I'm about to make $40 dollars." Keaton said and Drew agreed.

The game was over and I was holding out my hand. $80 dollars. I moved my hand meaning 'pay up' and they both handed me $40 in defeat.

"That's no fair you hustled us!" Drew yelled.

I smirked. "It's what I do best."

"I back out because I would have beat you." Wes added in.

"Whatever you say sweetie!" I smiled.

"Don't call me sweetie." Wes smiled more.

"Or. WHAT?" I laughed.

"Better run." Drew cut in. I took off. I twisted the handle to the front door and took off down the road. I heard foot steps behind me and they were getting louder. Fuck he's faster than me. I tried running faster but someone grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into their chest.

He spun me around so we were looking into each other's eyes. I acted like i was about to kiss him but ran. "No FAIR!" Wes yelled.

"The perks of you being in love with me!" I laughed still running. We ran for about another minute until he started running faster and spun me around. He crashed his lips on to mine. And gladly I kissed back.

After about a minute I pulled away and looked up at him. "I won't love you again." I said.

"You can't love me again when you never stopped" he said crashing his lips back on to mine. "And that's why I'm making you mine." He said.


I started running out of ideas so yeah. If you have any ideas on what should happen comment!


Won't Love You Again (sequel to is it love)Where stories live. Discover now