Imagine 1 - Say Your Prayers

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Y/N's P.O.V:

I'm a Catholic girl, with a demanding mother. There's this boy I like, Gerard. My mother wouldn't tolerate it, she doesn't want me in a relationship until I'm eighteen, and I'm only sixteen.

I see Gerard everyday, he's me best friend. If only I had the courage to tell him how I feel. I'm on my way to church now to pray. I made sure I looked neat and entered the church, being greeted by the pastor. I greeted him back and say in one of the isles and said my prayers. I was there for about five minutes and I felt a finger tap my shoulder. I looked up and saw Gerard. "Hi!" he whisper yelled enthusiastically. "Hi! What are you doing here, my moms picking me up soon she's going to kill me if she sees me with you!" I whisper yelled back. "She's gonna be a bit, traffic is bad.." he said happily, delighted by the thought that he'd be able to hang out with me. And so was I. He sat next to me we talked for about ten minutes. After a bit he said "What sins you got today then?" whilst wiggling his eyebrows. "No sins, just thanks!" I said smiling. He giggled at what I said. "I've got a confession to make actually, not to God, to you.." he said. I looked at him and he looked around. He noticed the pastor near the door, lighting candles and led me behind a pillar, so we weren't in view of the pastor. "I'm in love with you, madly, crazily. I know your mom won't tolerate it, but who cares what she thinks, I love you. No matter what." he said to me. I stood there, my mouth slightly agape, a feeling on happiness that the boy I've loved for a year loves me back. Oh my god. "Gerard, I... I love you too.. I don't know what to say. I'm so happy!" I whisper yelled happily. He smiled at me and we stood there awkwardly, rubbing the backs of our necks and smiling awkward smiles. "So, um. Might as well..' he said. I looked at him in confusion and his lips attached to mine. Oh my god. I kissed him back and luckily the pastor didn't see us. We made out for ages, going into one of the pews so we had more privacy. We're do desperate. Luckily there's a little latch on the door and a curtain on the grates viewer to the centre pew where the priest stands to hear sins. I locked the door and covered the grate with the curtain and we made out for absolutely ages, not taking our lips off of each other's. His taste amazing, cheery flavored. We heads the pastor outside and we calmed down a minutes, once we knew he was elsewhere we carried on. "Y/N?" I heard somebody call, it sounded like my mom. Oh no. No no no! I'm screwed if she finds me. I bit my lip as not to make a noise and Gerard did he same. U heard her footsteps. "You better say your prayers before I find you young lady!" she said. Oh no I'm in trouble. "Maybe she went home already? Or she's on her way there?" I heard my dad say. My mom agreed and the pay both left the church. Me and Gerard breathed once we knew we were alone again. We looked at each other and tried not to laugh at the fact that we got out if being lectured by either my mom or the priest. "I love you." he told me. "I love you too." I said back and we kissed sweetly and stayed in the pew until the pastor had gone, which was only merely half an hour. It was a good half an hour, full of sweet kisses, cuddling, talking and giggling.

I love him so much. I can tell he loves me too.

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